Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 5:16 p.m. No.8508268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8286 >>8336

>>8507697 lb

>Mass quarantine is likely to be announced suddenly


>Something like…


Come to think of it, they might shut down a lot of the Internet for 24 hours or so while the first part of the arrests happen. After the first night, those who are left aren't likely to put up much of a fight so they can turn it on again.

Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 5:24 p.m. No.8508371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8385



No, actually I have seen at least two other Anons post the work of Mr. E.

One is very eloquent and posts a lot of info, often stuff that few people think to dig.

The other is more brief but has an eye for images and symbolism.


In any case, there is no evidence that E. is a LARP.

However he does occasionally provide proof that he is high up in the executive and that he has high National Security clearance.

I would not surprised if we see him sitting beside Julian Assange when he testifies in the USA, very soon.

Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 5:29 p.m. No.8508429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8441

I think Q is addressing those Anons who would build up a website on some topic, maybe a series of blogs.

He expects that for various reasons, web sites will disappear from the Internet

And only those people who have an OFFLINE COPY

Saved on thumb drives or portable hard drives

Inside a faraday cage that is inside a metal trashcan or metal cabinet,

will be certain to survive.


Offline means not connected to anything at all

Not even to electric power

Not even battery power.


Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 5:37 p.m. No.8508504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8588

This is a slightly different offline message

ANd I think this time period is active

Right Now!

We know there are cures and medical information

That would lead to cures

Which have been suppressed.

One way to do this is to charge hi amounts of money like $35 for one article

Or thousands of dollars for a subscription to a journal archive.

But right now, a number of these paywall companies

Have opened up their archives.


There is tons of medical info

Some dating back to the early 20th century

That may be useful.

You can get it now, and archive offline

For scientists to work with later,

Including poor 3rd year students who know enough

To make medical breakthroughs by standing

On the shoulders of giants.


So let's do some keyword searches and collect info.


Wouldn't it be interesting if scientists published papers in the 1915-1925 time period

About substances which cause lung cancer over a 5 year period of exposure,

And the 5 years later,

The incidence of lung cancer skyrockets

Even though people have been smoking tobacco for 2 centuries.

And what if there is evidence

That these cancer causing substances

Began to be used in the processing of tobacco.


All things are possible

But only those who dig

Will ever know.

Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.8508733   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You're gonna die.

A doctor cannot do anything about that.

And if you take advice from anonymous assholes on this board

You're gonna die SOONER rather than LATER.

Anonymous ID: f2797c March 21, 2020, 6 p.m. No.8508803   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The military tribunals were triggered long ago

When those who swore an oath to the constitution

Joined forces with criminals to attack US military personal

In Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria

And any other countries where the USA was at war.

Same thing goes for non-military foreigners

Who attacked American military in those places

And thereby became unlawful combatants.

By now GITMO must be full of them.


But the main enemy

Are the civilian traitor, spies, seditious conspirators, RICO criminals, hitmen, etc, etc, etc.

For those, the USA has been freeing up spaces

In every prison in the Nation.