My honest opinion is we have become impatient spoiled "give me what I want now but don't put me at risk with pollution, make me work hard etc". I think its cultural. We have been led to become what we are, China saw an opportunity when we were giving them our fucking scentific discoveries and tech….it was just easy and we became lazy….now many see the mistake this was (like POTUS) as many here still work very hard and want to take care of themselves their families and really do not want the fucking government, work etc. tellling them what to do, we have a young generation that can't even imagine doing physical labor or not considering work like really researching through books, news articles, its just sort backwards. We are in a middle place, where the older generation had to break their backs, get cancer, all sorts of physical hardships and some in the middle did bit of both, hard laborious work and then magically, much of what we did became a computer program that did alot of the work for us. (NOt talking about laborers, mil, police, landscapers, etc). We need to get our work ethic back, reduce our reliance/addiction to virtual reality and start using our brains and braun again…but that is just my opinion….