Anonymous ID: b31805 March 21, 2020, 7:49 p.m. No.8510241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mike and Karen Pence Test Negative for Coronavirus


Vice President Mike Pence and his wife Karen Pence tested negative for the coronavirus on Saturday.


The Vice President’s press secretary Katie Miller posted the results of the test on Twitter on Saturday evening.


“Pleased to report that the COVID-19 test results came back negative for both Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady Karen Pence,” she wrote.


Earlier Saturday, Pence said that both he and his wife would take the coronavirus test after one of his staffers tested positive for the virus.


Pence told reporters at the White House that the staffer who tested positive for the virus had “mild cold-like symptoms” for about a day-and-a-half and had not been to the White House since Monday.


He said that although his doctor said a test was not necessary, he decided to get one anyway.


“Given the unique position that I have as vice president and the leader of the White House coronavirus task force, both I and my wife will be tested for the coronavirus this afternoon,” Pence said.


President Donald Trump has also taken the coronavirus test, after reporters repeatedly questioned whether he had the virus.


His test also came back negative.

Anonymous ID: b31805 March 21, 2020, 7:50 p.m. No.8510267   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hospitals Begin Stockpiling Hydroxychloroquine Following Announcement of its Success Rate in Battling Coronavirus


On Friday night Dr. Mehmet Oz was the latest medical professional to cheer the news of a successful drug combination that shows a 100% success rate in fighting the coronavirus.


Dr. Oz said, “There was actually pretty big news today. There was a paper that came out yesterday that was being discussed but didn’t get the attention that I thought it would that a paper from France that the use of an old drug, the malaria drug together with the Z-Pac seemed to dramatically impact on this virus. And that could be the biggest game changer of all that can alter if we can ever become Italy… But I’ll give you the biggest fact of all. In this study they shortened the amount of time the patients excreted the virus down to six days. The norm is approaching 20 days. That completely changes the behavior of the virus. Which means it may be actually more like a flu virus in its impact on us. It’s still dangerous but now as contagious… If drug that has already been on the market for 65 years could be effective in treating a new virus, yes there are potential side effects, there are eye problems that potentially arise, we know that we use these drugs commonly. But I think it’s worth the chance. And we should be doing the study starting today! And we’ll know in six days. In the meantime the task force is going to liberalize use of these medications.


On Saturday morning President Trump tweeted out the good news on the chloroquine:




— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 21, 2020


Several hospitals are already stockpiling the Hydroxychloroquine following the news this week on its success rate in treating coronavirus. reported:


Hospitals have been rushing to stockpile a decades-old antimalarial drug touted by President Donald Trump and others as a treatment for the new coronavirus.


Hydroxychloroquine is being snapped up by medical systems at more than twice the typical pace as U.S. hospitals seek to build large inventories in anticipation of the medication’s potential use in patients with Covid-19, the respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus.


From March 1 through March 17, U.S. hospitals bought an average of 16,110 units of hydroxychloroquine, compared with an average 8,800 units a month from January 2019 through February 2020, according to Premier Inc., which helps 4,000 member hospitals buy and manage their supplies.


National Boycotts is urging the Trump administration to post the latest breakthroughs on the successful treatments.


The national and world economies are shutting down. A state-induced Great Depression threatens to place many 20 – 60 year olds on the streets in the next week. That state is funded by your tax dollars–the same dollars you store value within when you interact with them as both a worker and a consumer.


Yet we are getting no daily reports on our best hope to fix this problem: hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.

– What hospitals have received shipments of the H&A drug combo?

– Are the H&A drugs in transit now?

– How much H&A drugs per each hospital are being delivered?

– We know what factories are producing the H&A drug combo. But do they need to hire extra workers to ramp up supply? If yes, where are the job listings?

– How many patients are being treated with H&A now?

– How many are being cured?

– What are the patient’s daily viral loads?

– Where are the databases for this information? If none exist, will they create one immediately? (A simple online spreadsheet will suffice.)

Start demanding answers. Our livelihoods are at stake. Your tax dollars and votes are inducing this.

Make them answer. Spread this message. This level of economic shutdown is unprecedented.