>Tried to reformat this to make it something
>that you could take a screenshot and
>use as a meme on Twitter, Facebook, etc.
The Socialist National Anthem
Imagine. Lovely song from John Lennon
Imagine there's no heaven Christianity is bunk
It's easy if you try no effort to believe or not, no self discipline
No hell below us no sin, no consequences, everything goes
Above us only sky what? No heaven?
Imagine all the people living for today no morals, no responsibility, the government will take care of me, "what, me worry?"
Imagine there's no countries One world government, no America
It isn't hard to do Take the easy route, don't think
Nothing to kill or die for Family, Church, values, property, country, nothing to see here, let them take it
And no religion too The communist's holy grail, no values, morals, incentives, let the NWO take care of me
Imagine all the people living life in peace Peace, like sheep in the field. Peaceful in their ignorance
You may say I'm a dreamer NO, you're a communist mind control shill doing their bidding
But I'm not the only one Yes, there's many useful idiots doing the same thing
I hope some day you'll join us Join us Komrade, it's easy
And the world will be as one Under the rule of the "elites", the NWO, the international bankers
Imagine no possessions "From each according to his ability, TO each according to his needs". Communist slogan
I wonder if you can Be lazy, don't think about it
No need for greed or hunger Unless it suits the ruling "elites" to control you
A brotherhood of man A brotherhood of subservient sheep doing what they are told or don't eat
Imagine all the people sharing all the world Sharing your hard work when the "elites" decide to redistribute it to others that suit their purposes better
You may say I'm a dreamer You're a tool, a useful idiot
But I'm not the only one Nope, you're right, there's lot's of mind numbed useful idiots
I hope some day you'll join us And if you watch CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CPB, or any MSM, you will!
And the world will be as one Under the thumb of a few elite banksters, propagandists, and their corrupt bureaucrats. We live only to serve them and their twisted agenda
Writer/s: John Lennon, Yoko Ono
The agenda of the liberal elites goes waaay back.
There is some evidence that this cabal plot to enslave us
and create a globalist New World Order goes back
to the mid 19th century when it was hatched
by groups of Freemasons and Zionists.