Anonymous ID: 4d7b2f March 21, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.8513294   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Synyster Gates is the lead guitarist for that band

He's a badass guitarist- He got taught by his dad, who, like him, went to college for music theory etc.

His dad is Brian Haner, who's a comedian/musician that got C-level celeb status

that has been on several big spots (MTV etc)

Brian Haner is good friends/colleagues with Jeff Dunham (the comedian with the elaborate puppets)

I actually saw Jeff Dunham live once (went with a friend who was a fan)

And I got a good vibe from him.

Anyone remember a dig on Dunham?

I bring it up cuz there's a bunch of people around Synyster Gates that seems to be military/ex military

A lot of A7x songs (after they matured as a band) are about Military stuff