Anonymous ID: 5d101c March 21, 2020, 11:13 p.m. No.8513024   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3034 >>3112 >>3131 >>3192

Baby Q Proof 1

The morning of Q’s latest post, 3/21/20 around 9am EST. Austin Steinbart posted a video with an explanation of why Q keeps posting the Ephesians scripture.

Starts around timestamp 10:00. Calls it a Q proof. Q's post of the "Victory Of Life" song by Future World Music was at 22:32 the same night.


Q posted this exact video last November… plus the Ephesians, Armor of God scripture.

(TY to the anon that made this connection) >>8510747 (pb)


Please note that Baby Q posted his video Prior to Q’s only post on the same day.

Isn’t this just like Q?

Are we ready to think outside our own box?

Think for yourself.


Link to video below: 10:00ts

Anonymous ID: 5d101c March 21, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.8513337   🗄️.is 🔗kun



couple of notes for ya:

1) Yoo toob never took down the videos

2) He continues to post

3) he covers all this and more in his own videos

4)still tweeting and posting.

Yes it would seem like the end for him but it's not. I wonder why?