Anonymous ID: e34c0a March 21, 2020, 10:58 p.m. No.8512878   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3132 >>3173 >>3246 >>3322

The patent for hydroxychloroquine expired in 2002.


According to a patent just published this year chloroquine may also be useful in fighting cancer.


This is likely the true reason that MSM is losing their minds about this drug. There is not a lot of money in cures. The money is in long drawn out recurring treatments and vaccines.


Could this be the start of the great awakening? The public learns that the MSM has been proactively trying to keep them sick/dying by convincing them that drugs that could help them are no good?


Imagine their shock learning that the FDA has been actively blocking use of certain drugs for certain illnesses just to preserve the profits of their friends in the pharmaceutical industry.


From this thread on Twitter: