Anonymous ID: 6a0ef9 March 22, 2020, 3:40 a.m. No.8514534   🗄️.is 🔗kun




With all the hue and cry about Trump pushing hydroxychloroquine, I wonder if the DS was planning on an expensive cure to replenish their depleted finances via corrupt pharmaceutical companies as fronts. Hydroxychloroquine would be a cheap cure.


I'm also starting to see people ferreting out timelines between the suppression of virus information out of China and the dem impeachment railroad. Dems didn't want to wait for court decisions and had to have the impeachment out before Christmas. I think that late December time frame was critical for spread prevention.


So, the question of dems/DS/MSM pulling the impeachment bullshit to handcuff POTUS from getting ahead of the curve of the Chinese virus may be getting an anal exam shortly.


In both instances, the dems/DS/MSM are/were trying to undermine any political capitol POTUS has/had.


They're going to have to be taken down hard, no two ways around it. Biden is a fucking MOAB waiting to blow, here. Taking him down can tie the whole package together for revelation to the normies. Could be the reason he's running. He's (figuratively) got a gun to his head. He has to.

Anonymous ID: 6a0ef9 March 22, 2020, 4:59 a.m. No.8514731   🗄️.is 🔗kun



If they shut down your borders the rest of Europe loses access to Rotterdam and Antwerp. They have to keep the Eindhoven - Venlo route open a long as possible.


You'll be the last one to be closed down. It's called, "Taking one for the team" , in the US.