Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 2:30 a.m. No.8514209   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4487

1: Maynard James Keenan from the band Tool + others is so red pilled that 2 days after 911 he told his crowd right as they began to cheer "USA!"USA" that they would be shocked to learn that it was their own government who committed 911….


2: to the anon who did not like it when I felt that I could not speak the truth about what some of us come to understand once we dive deeply into the knowledge of Ancient Sumeria….

WTF about that has anything to do with these other subjects?

Q uses the same method where difficult subjects are concerned.

I don't even believe that half of this is classified knowledge in any way but that most anons cannot swallow it all at one time and it is always best when they can come around to certain conclusions on their own albeit with a little nudging, yes.


The truth is not that people have not seen the truth….

The truth is that most people could never believe what they saw….


Why is this so ndifficult to understand?

Why does everyone seem to want everything all prepackaged?

Is thinking really that hard?

This is why muh gurus like Alex Jones and Inmuhmatrixxx are successful in the first place.

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 3:13 a.m. No.8514411   🗄️.is đź”—kun


does the thought of muh satans exist!? kek!

and that messiah complex! bwahahahah

too deep?

too soon?

I mean, I wouldn't want to mess with me so no idea why a mind like yours would think it ever had a chance, now say my name! :D

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.8514452   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4505


ya know people talk this shit a lot… that they care so much about the children etc etc yet how many of these anons dig into the sex abuse that most anons also know is rampant in the clergy?


I saw a need and I filled it yet why was there a fucking need in the first place?


Oh, there is an answer but its ugly AF.

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 3:27 a.m. No.8514480   🗄️.is đź”—kun



now consider the resistance to these thoughts…. yeah….

Its like we are playing poker with children all day every day.

So telling….

Where the flak is the thickest!

You'll see me!

You'll see me!

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 3:43 a.m. No.8514539   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4546

bias bitches shouldn't even be allowed in the kitchen


"are you fanatical about a religion?"



is exactly what we deserve.



"are you knowledgeable concerning Religions plural?"


should also be a prerequisite.


at least half a dozen FAKE anons here this sunday morning to defend their religion.


If POTUS did not want your vote…. Uhm uhm!

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 4:01 a.m. No.8514589   🗄️.is đź”—kun


I understand.

I seek to enlighten + burn the whole corrupt temple down yet POTUS wants their votes and thinks he can learn them.

I will keep my sword sharp.


Most of these "Parents" are just like their parents who would rather tell their child to shut up then risk tarnishing the reputation of their beloved mind control worship center yet hope springs eternal, anon….

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 4:19 a.m. No.8514628   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4639 >>4645 >>4662 >>4788 >>4896

Fraud and sex abuse probes in UN peace operations increase

The U.N.’s internal oversight body says in a report on U.N. peace operations that the number of fraud cases it decided to investigate last year increased nearly 80% from 2018, while the number of sexual exploitation and abuse cases rose 40%


March 20, 2020, 11:17 PM


"UNITED NATIONS – The U.N.’s internal oversight body says in a report on U.N. peace operations that the number of fraud cases it decided to investigate last year increased nearly 80% from 2018, while the number of sexual exploitation and abuse cases rose 40%.


The 2019 report by the Office of Internal Oversight Services, which was circulated Friday, said the highest number of cases it investigated were in the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Central African Republic, followed by the peacekeeping operations in Mali, Congo, Western Sahara and South Sudan.


Of the 241 cases investigated, 77 related to fraud, a 79% increase from the previous year, and 73 cases related to sexual exploitation and abuse, a 40% rise."

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 4:40 a.m. No.8514682   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4689



moar like dis?


Betraying a trust is a must in your mind

The agenda's just business as usual

Remember the imbecile the fire's they light

Cities smolder with the innocent victims

Democracy is hypocrisy, dictatorship is what we need

Because really what's the fucking difference?

So come on in and take a seat, and listen to the lies they love to preach

Because the truth would just be fucking senseless


Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better get your gun (blood for blood!)

For every action reaction, and death is business

Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better grab your gun (blood for blood!)

Can't take it back, what's done is done I want blood for blood


Ashes to ashes and dust to the death of what we were to what we've become

I'll put my faith into our heroes that fight

for our lives, until the war is won

Dishonesty is given to me, anxiety is my disease

But, the privileged they've got it made.

So raise a glass to the one percent that have it all

Keep me in the shit and send me in the screaming fits of fucking rage!


Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better get your gun (blood for blood!)

For every action reaction, and death is business

Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better grab your gun (blood for blood!)

Can't take it back, what's done is done I want blood for blood


Quarter oppressors, it's too late for surrender

Time to pay your penance all together, forever

This spinning web of deception, lies begin to constrict

The walls of fate have a gate that's sealed around you

Brick by brick


Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better get your gun (blood for blood!)

For every action reaction, and death is business

Eye for an eye and blood for blood you better grab your gun (blood for blood!)

Can't take it back, what's done is done I want blood for blood


Sangre por sangre!

Blood for blood!

Sangre por sangre!

Blood for blood!

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 4:51 a.m. No.8514710   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4788 >>4896

down under goes down


Coronavirus: Australia to close pubs, cafes and places of worship

46 minutes ago


"Australia is shutting down non-essential services as coronavirus cases rise rapidly in the country.


Pubs, clubs, gyms, cinemas and places of worship will be shut from midday on Monday, while restaurants and cafes will have to switch to takeaway only.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the restrictions after a national cabinet meeting.


The number of cases in Australia has risen sharply in recent days, reaching 1,315.


New South Wales (NSW), home to Sydney, is the worst-affected state with 533 confirmed cases. Victoria, of which Melbourne is the capital, has 296 cases, while Queensland has 259.


The new restrictions will see many businesses close but supermarkets, petrol stations, pharmacies and home delivery services will continue running.


The prime minister said he wanted to keep schools open but parents would be able to keep their children at home if they wished to do so.


"I don't want to see our children lose an entire year of their education," he said.


Some states, including Victoria, have signalled that they want to close schools."

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 5:06 a.m. No.8514754   🗄️.is đź”—kun



The DS had intended to EMP the US in 2018 yet Patriots were in control. Many things are setup years in advance, their plans have a form of inertia that keeps going even when all of the other pieces and players are not in position.

They are stupid and arrogant so they rarely install a shut off switch.


CV is more than likely just another part of it, A fail safe so if the other things fail…. CV would not.


We see parts of their CV plan initiate as media and other players follow script by instilling fear, panic and go after our rights.


CV was probably planted at the Staples center well in advance and some operative or even via some remote controlled or pre programmed mechanism it was released to time with all the rest.


Yep, crazy conspiracy theories….

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 5:13 a.m. No.8514777   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4788 >>4896

Rapid Coronavirus Test Approved by FDA

Results in 45 Minutes

21 Mar 2020


"The Food and Drug Administration approved a rapid coronavirus test on Saturday that will deliver results in about 45 minutes. The test will be available in the next few weeks and no training will be necessary to administer the tests.


Cepheid, a California-based diagnostic testing company, announced on Saturday that the FDA approved the use of its XpertXpress Sars-CoV-2 rapid molecular diagnostic test for the detection of the Chinese coronavirus that causes COVID-19. The test is designed to work on any of the company’s more than 23,000 automated worldwide testing systems. The test provides results in about 45 minutes, company officials said in a written statement"

Anonymous ID: 715311 March 22, 2020, 5:15 a.m. No.8514793   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4896

muh loves muh little patriots


Watch: Neighborhood Children Recite Pledge

of Allegiance Despite School Closure

21 Mar 2020


"A family in Ohio has started a neighborhood movement to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in unison while schools are closed.


A group of children from Royalview Elementary in Broadview Heights have been emerging every day in their neighborhood to say the Pledge, despite their school being closed due to the coronavirus pandemic."