Anonymous ID: a06fae March 22, 2020, 2:34 a.m. No.8514223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4236 >>4363

If anybody cares about 4chan larps, this is BDAnon's post today:


The tale of three cities. Beijing. The Chinese have given up on containing the virus. They have decided to let the virus spread through their population and let the chips fall where they will. This is why the Chinese expelled The Washington Post, The Times and the Wall Street Journal. With what is coming they do not want the press around to see the body bags and other things. Simply put unless a vaccine is developed this is the storm. China has already passed over a million dead and after that what is the point in counting. The Chinese are lying about things not to deceive the west but to try and hold their own country together long enough for something to change. If the Chinese people understood there is no cure and no real way to stop the biological weapon their scientists and the Russians created. Well I will let you use your imagination. The problem is this weapon mutates and each new solution only results in only dealing with an increasingly small subset in the epidemic. The Chinese, Americans, and Russians are working behind the scenes to keep things under control and the lies and noble. There is far more a stake here than the truth. The increasing danger now is with the pandemic reaching dangerous levels in the U.S. someone will become unhinged and doing something unsound. Such as:


The Chinese and Russian scientist who created this monster will hopefully burn in hell.

Anonymous ID: a06fae March 22, 2020, 2:59 a.m. No.8514327   🗄️.is 🔗kun

U.S. To Evacuate All Peace Corps Volunteers Due To Coronavirus


The United States has said it is evacuating thousands of Peace Corps volunteers from abroad due to the rapid spread of the deadly coronavirus.


The Peace Corps, a U.S. government-funded agency providing assistance around the world, announced on its website it would temporarily suspend volunteer operations from "all posts."


"We are acting now to protect the health of volunteers and prevent a situation where volunteers are unable to leave their host countries and return to the United States," the agency said.

Anonymous ID: a06fae March 22, 2020, 3:10 a.m. No.8514392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4450 >>4476 >>4479


This is his post from 3-15:



This killer was created in a joint Russian/Chinese operation in Wuhan. The recent release was caused by a traffic accident that released 4 different strains in the soil and water of Wuhan and infected any number of Russian and Chinese personnel. The Russians retrieved their canister`s and flew them to Russia stopping in Tehran to offload military equipment and infected a number of senior Iranian officials. It seems possible that a number of infections here were caused by the previous release and by the time testing gets underway here hopefully a lot of folks will be negative because the infection has already worked through their bodies. We will see.

Anonymous ID: a06fae March 22, 2020, 3:46 a.m. No.8514549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

French border guards impound trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for Britain


(LONDON DAILY MAIL) French border guards impounded trucks filled with 130,000 face masks bound for the UK leading to hurried negotiations between the British and French governments.


The masks were meant for brave NHS workers battling coronavirus across the country.


After realising what was on board, border guards in France held the truck in the wake of President Emmanuel Macron's promise to 'requisition' face masks for the French crisis, reported The Sun.


This came just a day after another truck bound for the UK, this time stocked with hand sanitizer, was delayed by authorities on the other side of the Channel.


Found here:


Originally a Daily Mail story but I ain't turning of my add blocker to read the rest.