Anonymous ID: b4e52b March 22, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.8514687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4691



I can't thank the team enough for what you are attempting and so far, looks like you are succeeding at. If this was the planned mass casualty event you have my deepest respect and admiration of the level of detail, planning, and execution that has happened. To see my 13 year old daughter develop a bad cough, and to know what these sick degenerate murderers had in store for her and so many others makes me feel anger, and yet great shame for how unprepared we all truly were. This period of time will be remembered forever and the sacrifices never forgotten. I hope one day we can learn all the behind the scenes happenings and operations, but I fear it is too great a burden, too deep a wound to expose to the public. The open show to the world of Team USA ditching the globalists and milking them dry to give it to the people robin hood style is the icing on the cake as they despair and come back to reality. I heard the whisper campaign in hollywood is going down in history as the most successful information operation in modern times. Thank you so much for saving us poor saps and fighting this great evil. They wanted to us to watch our loved ones die and then kill each other over resources. I can't wait to watch them suffer some more without their supply of blood. Make them suffer extra hard for us.