Anonymous ID: 5e0ce0 March 22, 2020, 9:58 a.m. No.8517392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7511 >>7585 >>8026

SOMEONE is going to ASK THE Q soon, can you guys feel it?…..


  • World leaders mentioning "Storm" (POTUS, XI, North Ireland PM, and others).

  • Censors have been removed off social media and Google and the Algo is on fire!

  • Captured celebs are sending codes like crazy

  • Everyone is at home, online.

  • Shit load of new Normies asking about Q and Q topics

  • THE BROTHER OF THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES JUST ASKED "What is Andrenechrome?" on Twatter and red pilling the shit out of folks.


  • OANN has been asking super loaded (friendly) questions to POTUS in the last few press briefings.

  • OANN is always the last question picked.


My Money is on OANN asks the Q-uestion next week. They have the balls to do it!