Anonymous ID: 9327de March 22, 2020, 9:57 a.m. No.8517388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I completely agree with you anon.


God bless. Keep the faith.


Q, make them suffer..

But i disagree on one thing. Their hreatest punishment is on the other side when they meet their maker.

Death is what they fear the most!

They all want to live forever ..


Send them to the other side swiftly and without mercy, and let us cleanse this earth from their curse.


Let us come back to Lord, to pray for our nation to heal our hearts and land. God is able. If we but turn to HIM.


Anons pray for Q every day and all the operators active i. Thw field. Ask the Holy spirit to give you discernemnt what to pray for… And if nothing comes to mind pray for justice to be served and innocent blood spilled avenged.


God is merciful, and God is Just…

But He destroys evil and cuts off the lofty.. And so should we… We have been too tolerant towards evil and it has taken root. It is written in scriptures so we knew these last days would come.. People will be easily offended… But my God we must be close to our deliverance…


God bless Q and and his team, Potus , and all of Gods children. Its time to wake up!


It's time to fight back.

Prayer moves mountains!