Anonymous ID: a49d13 March 22, 2020, 10:30 a.m. No.8517801   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

lord jesus who is also god and that ain't confusing please help us

we got people praying publicly lord

do they even read your book?

you know they come here to be seen praying in public lord

smite them oh mighty smiter!


they use muh religion to divide lord and they call me a divider for pointing that shit out and for when I quote from your book!


because you know lord that I have read it backwards and forwards and can beat most black and blue and stupid with it.


they hate me lord


I think they are evil lord


I think they come here more to try to control muh narrative than to support Q and the movement because they know that all these sick temples should be burning right now lord


I hope that POTUS changes his mind on sucking up to them because muh voting demographic


they did not vote for him last time and we have enough patriots that will vote for Potus this time Lord


I am not sure they have ever questioned their religion Lord!


They wear crosses and pray to them lord!


yes I know! the last thing you would do and the last thing you would want to see again!


They even symbolically eat and drink your blood and flesh lord and via a miracle they actually believe the juice and cookie turns into your flesh and blood like wtf lord?


these people are notorious for helping to hide church crimes even against children lord!


I know right lord?


Its crazy!

I think they are stupid and sick lord


help them lord

thank you

an anon who questions everything until it bleeds unlike 99% of the fake ass anons here pretending.


Anonymous ID: a49d13 March 22, 2020, 10:44 a.m. No.8517961   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

me and popcorn always went to one of our jewish friends house named finklestein


heck of a guy

he always liked to straighten the blonde hair on my legs and upper thighs when we took baths together


loves me some jews!