Anonymous ID: 83aff4 March 22, 2020, 11:15 a.m. No.8518348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The demonrat party has only one - repeat ONE - solution to their current problems…all the true Americans in the demonrat party must simply announce they are leaving the scum that have already destroyed all credibility that the demonrats had been able to con their way into, and forming a "Real" political property and party.


True, identifiable, treasonous sub-intellects in what has deteriorated into the demonrat party of today must form their own party where they can proudly display their communist ideology which they are so clearly showing us now with their defense of the China [DS]. puhlousy, schitf, schlimer and their cronies can put on flat caps, tuck their communist manifesto into their pockets and go stand on a street corner.


To build something up it needs to be torn down first:







Anonymous ID: 83aff4 March 22, 2020, 11:24 a.m. No.8518469   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8684

Now that billy gates has been publicly exposed as pure globalist scum - although of course the globalist propaganda media are protecting their own and trying to keep it quiet - what should his penalty be for trying to kill off a billion people just to follow the globalist con of "human caused climate change?"


Execution? Life in Prison? Placed in stocks and allow the public to throw stones at him…since food is too precious for now to waste it on a scumbag like gates?


Or should parts of his fortune by given to society for good works?


How about 20 billion in a fund for neighborhood churches? All over the country, in every neighborhood/district a fully-funded church to provide support to Americans in need…seems like a good idea that treasonous bastard could fund.


Maybe another 20-30 billion to set up new hospitals all over America? Fully-funded hospitals that provide excellent care to all Americans is another good idea for gates unearned wealth.


Need more ideas. little billy gates has a lot of blood money - it needs to be used to help America, not him and his globalist pig besties.







Anonymous ID: 83aff4 March 22, 2020, 11:48 a.m. No.8518779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…here's why I think it is truly time for President Trump to call the globalist's bluff.


It was the globalist scum and the traitors in America that allowed Americans to become debt slaves and allowed so much of the wealth of American taxpayers to be sent out of the country, so that bridges, roads, hospitals, schools suffer without the funds needed for effective use.


We - our governments - need to embrace that! <<they>want us to be in debt to them? Alright, we need 10 Trillion dollars to rebuild the nation. Canada needs 2 Trillion dollars to rebuild the nation. None of that money going to the stock market in either country.


So - they forced us into the repugnant debt-based economy that impoverished the people and made the globalist scum wealthier…time for the money to be repatriated…ALL OF IT!


And before I forget…Where the f*ck are the benefits for renters? Why haven't either the American or Canadian governments told property companies and building owners that rent from their tenants for the next couple of months WILL NOT BE CHARGED and the small building owners will be able to get assistance from the government…large property owners can eat the loss.