no you's for you! :D
pb lb
the guy in the images is their ring leader anon!
your welcomed!
digging is hard so I help when I can
The kek is real!
uhm uhm
biden wearing a green tie
the green file folders
pepe is green
guise! guise!
PEPE - Section 501c3 - you will put times and dates in your notable unless they are in the url or KYS
and homosexuality is an unforgivable sin!
sounds like socialism
smells like fear
How much we talking about exactly? :D
Maybe I want me some of that Socialism just this one time! kek!
What if you found out that you were Jesus?
I would be all like "I don't want to be Jesus because these people kill people like Jesus!".
I want my star ship and muh crew and we are GTFO of here because you people are crazy.
That shit ain't in the bible so its the devil talking to you.
am I right or am I right?
timelines! tesla! 3,6,9 and russell too!
I will dig no moar!
[they] win!
I give!
Hold me!
don't fema camp me, bro!
don't fema camp me!
well hell fucking yes I am!
bout as broke as I can be so here is my favorite for now but it will change once I am rich and in heaven :D
"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven"
Boom! :D
ok I am in, let's do this shit!
"know ye not that ye shall be the judge of angels"
we can always just kill that half of him, what!?!?
air ee body knows they mixed with the mongrel urine colored races!
urine colored! I kek'ed myself!
we got to do something about these jews bro
whats the plan?
You have weapons?
Please tell me your plan
no one is watching here anyways
how we gonna get them evil jews bro?
just look at that jewfro! kek
i think he lived on and his family ran away and they mixed with my family and now I am the Jesus!
So, yeah!