Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 11:59 a.m. No.8518889   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8942 >>8945

China Stops Testing & Shortens Quarantines, Which is Reason for No New Cases


According to Japanese media outlets it’s not Houston we have a problem. It’s China we have a problem.


As you know the United States Mainstream Media continues to report that China has no new cases day after day. Well there’s a reason for that. The fact that our own media is reporting this from China who never tells the truth should alarm every single American, regardless of party affiliation.


According to Lo Kin-Hei the Vice Chair of the Hong Kong Democrats Party, Japanese media outlets interviewed a doctors in Wuhan, China and what they were told is not good.


“Report by @appledaily_hk , Japanese news outlet interviewed Wuhan doctors, and confirmed Wuhan has stopped testing, that is why new case = 0 there. They release people in quarantine early too. 華本土零感染 日媒揭造假 指習訪武漢後停測試 鄂瘋傳禁通報確診 “


The following is from the News Outlet Hong Kong Daily:


“The National Health Commission of the Mainland claimed that 39 new cases of Wuhan pneumonia were confirmed the day before yesterday, but all of them were imported from abroad. There have been no new confirmed cases in the country for two consecutive days. However, Japanese media Kyodo quoted Wuhan doctors as saying that authorities had suspended some tests, official figures were unreliable, and a second wave of outbreaks appeared at any time.”


“The doctor quoted by Kyodo News Agency said that the Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping had visited Wuhan earlier, and the number of local diagnoses of Wuhan pneumonia was officially “manipulated.” Many symptomatic patients were suddenly released without isolation for less than 14 days, as a sign of “Xi Jinping’s government successfully repelled the epidemic.”


The doctor also pointed out that the method of detecting patients with fever and other symptoms has been simplified, and it is not allowed to continue using blood tests to check whether the patients are completely cured. Therefore, “a large number of suspected patients return to society without completing treatment.”


The doctor emphasized that “the government’s records cannot be believed” and he was worried that another wave of outbreaks would occur. Another Wuhan doctor also tweeted that “the hospital also suspends the admission of patients and started a 14-day vacation.” She said: “I have been emphasizing with people around me that if the seal is unblocked, it only means that you have to go to work, not any Other meanings. ”


This is absolutely horrific news out of China.

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.8518925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8980 >>9023

Crowds of Jerusalem ultra-Orthodox clash with cops enforcing virus lockdown


3 arrested, 1 officer lightly injured in Mea Shearim clashes, cops decried as Nazis, amid crackdown on those violating restrictions aimed at curbing spread of disease


Three people were arrested and fined during clashes with police in Jerusalem’s ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim neighborhood on Sunday, as officers worked to ensure compliance with a government-ordered partial lockdown meant to stem the spread of the new coronavirus.


The crackdown came amid ongoing incidences of members of the ultra-Orthodox community failing to abide by the Health Ministry’s guidelines, holding large weddings and continuing to study in schools ordered closed.


Large numbers of ultra-Orthodox men crowded around the officers. Rioters pelted cops with stones, and one officer was lightly injured, the Israel Police said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.8518940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In Video: Iraqi Warplanes Rain Hell On ISIS Hideouts In Hamrin Mountains


On March 22, Iraqi Air Force (IQAF) warplanes carried out a series of airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in Hamrin Mountains in northern Iraq.


According to the Iraqi military’s Joint Operations Command, many hideouts were destroyed in the airstrikes, which also eliminated “dozens” of ISIS terrorists.


“The operation was carried out with Iraqi planning by the Joint Operations Command and the Army Chief of Staff and with the preparations of Iraqi technicians from the Air Force Command, after the withdrawal of the international [U.S.-led] coalition,” Yehia al-Rasool, a spokesman for the Iraqi military, said.


The Iraqi military shared a video showing some of the preparations for the aerial operation and airstrikes on two caves used by ISIS cells.


Located right between the cities of Mosul, Tikrit and Kirkuk, Hamrin Mountains are known to be infested with ISIS cells. The region’s rough, mountainous terrains are often used as shelters by the terrorist group’s fighters.


The aerial operation proves that the Iraqi military is capable of countering ISIS remnants in the country without support from the U.S.-led coalition. Earlier this week, the coalition withdrew some of its troops from Iraq, citing the widespread of COVID-19 as the reason.

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:03 p.m. No.8518946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian Democratic Forces Release Dozens Of ISIS Members Sparking Fear Among Locals


The U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have released more than 80 members of ISIS who were captured during battles with the terrorist group in northeast Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) reported on March 22.


According to the London-based monitoring group, the released individuals are all Syrian citizens, from the governorates of Raqqa, al-Hasakah and Deir Ezzor.


“Some of those released have not yet finished their sentence, while others did,” the SOHR’s report reads.


The monitoring group said the SDF’s decision upset the locals, who fear that theses individuals will go back to fight in the ranks of ISIS. The terrorist group still has some influence in different parts of northeast Syria.


Earlier this week, ISIS revealed that its cells assassinated 40 people in Deir Ezzor within three months only. Most of the victims were SDF personnel or people affiliated with the U.S.-backed group.


In the last few years, the SDF released hundreds of ex-ISIS fighters. This likely contributed to the reemergence of ISIS in northeast Syria.


The SDF usually releases ISIS members upon request from influential figures, like tribal leaders, businessmen or local commanders. In some cases, personal connections and even bribes are believed to be the motive.

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:09 p.m. No.8519029   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9136

“He is a National Disgrace” – Brennan Attacks President Trump Amid Coronavirus Global Pandemic


Former CIA Director John Brennan attacked President Trump as “national disgrace” amid the Coronavirus pandemic.


President Trump UNLOADED on another far left reporter Friday morning during his daily Coronavirus press briefing.


NBC’s Peter Alexander was the latest hack reporter determined to use the daily briefing to attack President Trump.


The media then lied about Trump’s exchange from Peter Alexander in order to smear the President.


Watch the full exchange:


Full video of Trump's exchange with NBC's Peter Alexander shows:


1Hopeful & optimistic Trump reassures Americans, says drug to treat coronavirus may be "gamechanger."


2Alexander attacks Trump's positivity, accuses him of "misrepresenting," implies people should not have hope.


— Trump War Room – Text TRUMP to 88022 (@TrumpWarRoom) March 20, 2020


Brennan, who tried to remove Trump from office with the Russian collusion canard and then again with the Ukraine impeachment hoax sided with the liberal hack playing gotcha games during a pandemic outbreak.


BRENNAN: donald trump’s rant against Peter Alexander reveals the extent of trump’s incompetence, insecurity, & juvenile petulance. He is not & never has been a leader. He is a national disgrace.


donald trump’s rant against @PeterAlexander reveals the extent of trump’s incompetence, insecurity, & juvenile petulance. He is not & never has been a leader. He is a national disgrace.

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:15 p.m. No.8519102   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Bill Gates – Vaccine not Virus Will Cull Humanity


Bill Gates and his well-endowed foundation have spent years preparing for a global flu-like pandemic.


During the Davos World Economic Forum in 2017, Gates initiated something called CEPI, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations, together with the governments of Norway, India, Japan, and Germany, along with the Wellcome Trust of the UK.


Its stated purpose is to "accelerate the development of vaccines we'll need to contain outbreaks" of future epidemics. He noted at the time that "One promising area of vaccine development research is using advances in genomics to map the DNA and RNA of pathogens and make vaccines." We will return to that.


By 2019 Bill Gates and the foundation were going full-tilt boogie with their pandemic scenarios. He made a Netflix video which made an eerie imaginary scenario. The video, part of the "Explained" series, imagined a wet market in China where live and dead animals are stacked and a highly deadly virus erupts that spreads globally.


Gates appears as an expert in the video to warn, "If you think of anything that could come along that would kill millions of people, a pandemic is our greatest risk." He said if nothing was done to better prepare for pandemics, the time would come when the world would look back and wish it had invested more into potential vaccines. That was weeks before the world heard about bats and a live wet market in Wuhan China.


In October, 2019 the Gates Foundation teamed up with the World Economic Forum and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security to enact what they called a "fictional" scenario simulation involving some of the world's leading figures in public health. It was titled Event 201.


As their website describes it, Event 201 simulated an "outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms."


In the Event 201 scenario the disease originates at a pig farm in Brazil, spreading through low-income regions and ultimately explodes into an epidemic. The disease is carried by air travel to Portugal, the USA and China and beyond to the point no country can control it.


The scenario posits no possible vaccine being available in the first year. "Since the whole human population is susceptible, during the initial months of the pandemic, the cumulative number of cases increases exponentially, doubling every week."


The scenario then ends after 18 months when the fictional coronavirus has caused 65 million deaths. "The pandemic is beginning to slow due to the decreasing number of susceptible people. The pandemic will continue at some rate until there is an effective vaccine or until 80-90 % of the global population has been exposed."


As interesting as the prescient Gates-Johns Hopkins Event 201 fictional scenario of October, 2019 may be, the list of panelists who were invited to participate in the imaginary global response is equally interesting.


Among the selected "players" as they were called, was George Fu Gao. Notably, Prof. Gao is director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention since 2017. His specialization includes research on "influenza virus interspecies transmission (host jump)… He is also interested in virus ecology, especially the relationship between influenza virus and migratory birds or live poultry markets and the bat-derived virus ecology and molecular biology." Bat-derived virus ecology…


Prof. Gao was joined among others at the panel by the former Deputy Director of the CIA during the Obama term, Avril Haines.


She also served as Obama's Assistant to the President and Principal Deputy National Security Advisor.


Another of the players at the Gates event was Rear Admiral Stephen C. Redd, Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:23 p.m. No.8519216   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What we think we get WE GET!


But if they (Cabal) can keep you distracted and thinking of other things they can shape

everyone's reality away from what really matters.


The Cabal has used hidden knowledge to shape their EVIL plans.

Using their MSM to project their desired reality into the minds of the public

They have been able to use our collective power to create their world, this is why they use

think tanks and secret societies to shape reality for the masses. Wars, famine and disaster

to keep you in fear, one crisis after another.


Corona Virus is the next installment to drive panic, anxiety and primal fear, once

triggered these emotions over power rational thought in the sedated mind. You

become vulnerable and open to suggestion and herd mentality when in this state.

Eager to hand over your rights to the very people creating the crisis in the hope they

will somehow make you safe. RATIONAL THOUGHT IS LOST.


The issues they create exist in your mind planted there over the airways, whether it be

social media TV radio what ever flavor. We ignore the reality we see in real life choosing

to believe the information fed to us.


It is time to wake up and start using your own discernment.


We are the faithful servants of the most high here to guide humanity through their ascension from

a world ruled by darkness, greed, centralized control and PURE EVIL into the world of love, light

and righteousness.


It is time for each individual to make a personal connection with the most high, do it privately

ask for forgiveness first and then seek good things for those you care about. Pray for each

other. Doing so you join the body of Christ and together we will all be successful. This is the way the

life and the truth.


Jesus Loves (You)



Anonymous ID: eb9ed4 March 22, 2020, 12:28 p.m. No.8519279   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Coronavirus: Netanyahu’s game of two truths and a lie


In his near-nightly briefings, is the prime minister telling the public the whole story? Here’s what you need to know:


Nearly every other night like clockwork, the Israeli public and press receive a notice that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address the country at prime time to share an update about Israel’s war against the novel coronavirus.

In his remarks, Netanyahu tells how Israel is holding up in comparison to other states, speaks of innovations that could soon roll out to help us and explains new restrictions that the public must adhere to for our health and safety.

The Jerusalem Post reviewed some of the prime minister’s recent talks and here is what we found:

‘Israel is ahead of the curve’

Netanyahu has insisted over and over again since his first briefings that “the State of Israel is ahead of the vast majority of countries” in combating the deadly coronavirus.

However, a report by one the leading coronavirus statistics websites, which pulls data from the World Health Organization, World ‘O Meters, shows how the coronavirus is affecting 188 countries and territories around the world and demonstrates that Israel is not better off than all or even most other countries with infections.

If one looks at the total number of cases per 1 million people, Israel is actually one of the worst. There are only 38 countries who have more cases per 1 million people than Israel, which means there are 149 countries that are doing better.

‘Israeli hospitals were prepared; we couldn’t have stored equipment in advance’

During a March 17 briefing, the prime minister claimed that, “the hospitals are prepared to absorb these patients, including protection for the medical teams and the purchase of around 1,000 ventilators.”

In a talk two days later, he explained that it is not just Israel but “the world is facing a tremendous shortage of protective suits, face masks and ventilators. Two hundred countries, except possibly for one or two, are competing fiercely for this equipment, including the US. It must be understood that even if there is an expectation that an epidemic like coronavirus will break out sometimes, warehouses cannot be kept full for years with perishable equipment, equipment with a very short expiry date.”

But according to Prof. Dan Ben-David, president and founder of the Shoresh Institution for Socioeconomic Research and a faculty member at Tel Aviv University’s Department of Public Policy, Israel was sorely unprepared for the coronavirus epidemic.

“Before the outbreak of the current pandemic, hospital occupancy rates in Israel were already the highest in the developed world,” he told The Jerusalem Post.