Anonymous ID: bb667c March 22, 2020, 1:03 p.m. No.8519705   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Steve Bannon had an interesting interview on Maria Bartiromo's show:


>"My recommendation would be…drop the hammer…go full hammer on the virus right now with a full shut down…Drop the hammer today on the virus…I'm just saying right now not mitigate it, hammer it, and you're gonna have to take the pain up front we're gonna have to shut it all down…a great economy going, we can get back to that, but the way to do it is to hammer it now".


>"President Trump is a wartime president, one of the wartime figures he admires is General Patton. General Patton said a simple plan violently executed today beats a more complicated plan that takes months and months to execute."


>"Got to flood it with cash today, you gotta use every power of the fed, in fact new powers for the fed, new powers for the treasury. This is a war and people in this town are still thinking of convention like its 2008, this is so much deeper than 2008."


>" The CCP virus that the CCP unleashed on the world is now on the brink of destroying the New York healthcare system."