Anonymous ID: 3aeaad March 22, 2020, 2:08 p.m. No.8520471   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Okay, going on a limb here. But….the corona virus. Is real…and trump and Q team knew about it. They have stopped it before, but all that did, is made them change the sequence and change it into a new version. The nessecary sacrifice was to let them finish one version of it….work on a cure without them knowing. Let them be content with not making a new version. Had a parent sometimes you have to let your kids out its hand in the fire and let them get burned. They wont believe you no matter how much you talk to them. God himself runs into this problem with his children constantly. The cycle has been going on for a while. When the russians hit the Chinese facility, this caused them to move the virus to another facility. Causing too hasty a move and spread of it by accident. Letting China get a taste of it's own junk (Ruling class in china are all really mainly american and chair people) doing the right thing sometimes means doing horrible things….just like David had to destroy the Canaan. The chinese saw this as a convient accident since this could be used to kill the dissent that was growing on it's own people. Had the Chinese not been evil asshole they would have stopped it and asked for help and no biggie no problem. But they didnt, so it's on them. The media did not jump on this until January really. But trump and q knew this was coming all the way in early November. He had plenty of time to let the NG, DOD prepare for the coming pandemic. The cure will spread …because they have it. How many times has trump made a comment, then the media and the left makes fun of it because its "outrageous" or a conspiracy then slowly but surely holyshit the mother fucker was right, how the fuck did he know? Didn't they just clow him for saying he is hopeful for a cure or a treatment soon? Pattern recognition, historical statistical analysis says, he is doing it again for the 13484938th time. Speaking truth in a manner that comes across as shit talking or ignorant rambling. The truth will not be for everyone…double speak again from Q. He also said this for us too. Can we handle that?, in order to fix this bullshit they had to let some horrible shit happen. The correct environmen and conditions had to as close to 100% success rate to their games and theory scenarios. The hard shit to do, is to let this all happen for people to see what the enemy is doing and working on to control the population and the world. If you had stopped it again, the cycle would have never ended, people would have never changed. The people that have died from Corona, were nessecary loses…it sucks, it a hard thing to accept, but look at how all this has played out. The DS seriously thinks they have mounted a comeback and have trump on its last strings…society is begging for martial law and for trump to do "more". People are screaming at the administration to become exactly what they claim he was and how evil it was, when he got elected. Today the modern liberal has been screaming for national socialism to be enacted yesterday. The left just continues to contradict itself again and people are starting to see even more that the majority of Democrats and some Republicans do not care for anyone other than their power and well being….and just like that for no reason the people elected hitler….interesting. However this time instead of Hitler, you have God's chosen one.


GOD WINS, indeed….


Well played, Q