Notice the bullshit that these fools latch on to in order to justify (((their))) actions.
Faggots and queers make their nests directly in tel aviv.
(((useful idiots))) abound like weed and roaches.
Notice the bullshit that these fools latch on to in order to justify (((their))) actions.
Faggots and queers make their nests directly in tel aviv.
(((useful idiots))) abound like weed and roaches.
READ the POTUS (((enemy))) list. It's pretty much barmiztvah party invitation list with some sandniggers thrown in.
He came too close to the jewish question. There is no doubt that (((they))) are trying to poison the atmosphere here.
Remember, (((useful idiots))) with their panties in twist abound.
(((shills))) and (((kike/sandnigger sympathizers))) galore.
We observe with bemusement.
I wonder if (((they))) finally figured out it is FAR too late?
If mbs tries funny shit, he can count on the entire scheme unraveling and 'his' tribe cast out to the cold barren desert with the whole world hunting him down.
That's the sitrep.
Go suck on your boyfriend's cock like a cucked bitch you are.
You really think ANY of /ourguys/ have sympathy for your bitch made demeanor?
Only if they pity you because you strayed from the path.