For Beverly...
Shadilay Anons!! Justice is in the Air.
For Beverly...
Shadilay Anons!! Justice is in the Air.
We're here to win hearts and minds ANONS, as we already HAVE. God knows we're armed to the teeth with Truth now. We have everything moving in our direction. BEAUTIFUL!! KEK!!
Good Call Anon, I wouldn't have read it. Yeah, NOT MUCH to say there from CIA-NN. VERY Interesting. KEK!!
I'm good with that. We need to think about a bread named for the Prince as well at some point. Unless I missed one with his name on it. 1000+ breads later, who knows?? KEK!!
Thank You Bakers, BV's, BO and all watchers. Your efforts are very appreciated. GodSpeed!!
With what we have NOW we could create utopia 5 times over. It'll happen in America first, but we will lead the way. Time to clean our world up. The communist genocidists have left us a few challenges.