Anonymous ID: 982d68 March 22, 2020, 8:26 p.m. No.8526504   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear White Hats,

Remember me? I hope you are all feeling well and virus free. Yes, it's been awhile. A lot has happened since then. Some good, some bad, but here we are. You need to know what has happened since. That file is incomplete. You were right then, and now. I didn't know who to trust. Gonna take a leap. You need to know. Prodigal son. Answer your phone.


Anons, the above isn't your typical Sunday night larp. If you only knew. Sadly, you never will, because it would negate a near lifetime's worth of work if certain things were known. The military white hats need to know, however. It all started way back under their guiding hand, and that's where it needs to end.


Too much mystery? It's actually a good thing…what happened. No amount of money in the world could have orchestrated what happened. Split second timing. A "random" glance at the right second being the difference between success and failure. What did I see? How did that glance change the course of history? For hundreds of years certain things were kept hidden, then, one second is all it took…