Anonymous ID: cc6e0c March 22, 2020, 7:45 p.m. No.8526022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6032 >>6278 >>6592

Team Canada pulls out of 2020 Olympics


Monday, March 23

Japanese prime minister now says postponing Tokyo Games is an option.


10:50 a.m. The Canadian Olympic Committee and Paralympic Committee say Team Canada will not participate should the Tokyo Games go ahead four months from now. The committees "urgently call on the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee and the World Health Organization to postpone the Games for one year and we offer them our full support in helping navigate all the complexities that rescheduling the Games will bring," their statement says.


9:13 a.m. Japanese Prime Minister Shizo Abe says postponing the Tokyo Olympics may become an option if holding a "complete form" of the games becomes difficult. In addition, Abe emphasizes that the International Olympic Committee and Japan maintain that cancellation is not an option.


7 a.m. Canada's death toll from the new coronavirus rises to 20, from 13 previously, with the number of confirmed cases soaring to 1,430 from 1,099.