Haha, Rappaport being angry for no more sportsball has got to be my favorite. No more evolution of the roman colleseum wasting our time and energy.
Cooperative achievements will replace representative competition.
Haha, Rappaport being angry for no more sportsball has got to be my favorite. No more evolution of the roman colleseum wasting our time and energy.
Cooperative achievements will replace representative competition.
Straight up sore loser who knew every enjoyment he had in life is now over. Blatant.
He could never act well at all, so I know he's not putting on a show.
I thought the same thing about the number of 'coveralls' that was listed today. That and 'surgeons'.
A virus needs a surgeon? In coveralls?
I didn't think it could get better than no sportsball!
No flippy burgers! We will have no 'filler' meats!
Hopefully with a full Pepe section in the middle.
Good book, but she's probably reading how the kids in training slept naked.
Movie was quite different.