Anonymous ID: 64246c March 22, 2020, 11:51 p.m. No.8528535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8688 >>8800

These celebrity videos are so lame. They all look and sound like total losers and it's amazing how they either need our attention, or they must think we need them to entertain us. They're so adorable.

We have Kimmel saying he just found out he has two kids at home and then the next second he is complaining about them and how he had to get away and go hide in his office. He said they made macaroni necklaces and he had to cook those next day so he could eat because they're low on food, lmfao. Riiiiiiiiight. Then Ellen making a salad because I guess they don't know how to cook or something (so cute) Then she can't build anything with legos? Why are they acting like they are so retarded when they aren't on tv, etc?) Then, Sharon Stone saying her kids are playing outside but for all of us to stay inside and how she is baking a cake, as if we give a shit. And why does LA county "reach out to her" to tell her to stay home a few more days? Can't she just "watch the news" and get her info like everybody else? It took 10 minutes for me to process that it was really her. Then we have Madonna naked in the fucking BATHTUB, seriously? That attention whore couldn't get dressed and then deliver her "deep" thoughts about how she just realized "we are all equal"? Where the hell has she been? Plus they look like total shit too, inside and out. What a long way to fall. The illusion is shattering.



(Not showing my tits but ILY anyway, juggernaut faggots.)