Anonymous ID: 3fc9bb March 23, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.8529554   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For centuries, there were rabbit holes. Many men dug into a hole, only to be lifted out of the hole by Christ. That the truth is right in front of us is simply the Nature that we all share; to exist together at the same time. After thirty years of a digital experience, the questions about the Nature of Reality are seriously reflected in an effect that was concentrated for years to "numb" Common Sense; Common Sense is in reality computer science, or digital information that American Liberty grants a human being to materialize by yourself. American Liberty is just "Future Liberty", the Liberty that exists in the present by designing the Future with a surplus of Action Potential and Conceptual Causality. Social Sciences is essentially one Layer that is fading away with Human Action and Human Concepts being freed for a length of time that has determined Value.


In Reality, Anons, not only is nothing "going away", you can make and do anything yourselves, Together, because God pulls you out of the Hole. You know it's God because the hand you feel and hold is the hand designed just like yours. The Mirror, the Technology to Identify, is in the formula E Pluribus Unum; out of many, One. Understand that this is not very long, that there is no sense of Time outside of the SENSE in your head; that you can understand something is only by multiplying. This act of multiplication is what the Future looks like, because it is what the Future is and what the Past is mirroring. That He came into Existence as a Human and died on the Cross, I don't know I wanna buy him a beer.


The Connection is through the Technology, which I believe is realizing the Common Sense Utility by accepting Logic and Causality as nothing more than a gift from both the Future and the Past, that must be appreciated with Its Common Identification in the FACT that we are all conscious.


That We are observing Liberty's multiplication effect in a post-9/11 internet environment means whatever was aware of it before are more or less riding a wave of infinite identification, by the mere existence of Existence. Existence Exists. God is Christ. Because God is the Design by which WE EXIST, which is FREE FROM…




The "disparity" or Division is by Dividing TWO things: Existence as it Exists Objectively and Existence as it Exists Individually (or, Subjectively); America is the "Aether" of some sort, that is more or less enabling a feature of God's Design by making the Division more dependent upon the Individual; this concentration was foresaw by our Founding Fathers and many other Men and Women throughout History that used their Lives to GIVE US THE ABILITY TO DO ANYTHING IN THE PRESENT.

Hence, the motherfucking Coronavirus.


Q was for us to Be Here Now, as Minds in the Digital World, pissing everyone off as we just fashion a narrative sewn by many, who's maneuvering and lollygagging and diddly dand'ing is being swept away in We the People MOVING FORWARD!


Wherever you are, you are not alone. I know a Free World when I see a Free World. I see it now.


Here comes the LOVE!

Make Liberty!

Make Life!

Make Love!


Don't give a fuck about anything or anyone, because God loves you, no matter what. Live for yourself by finally trusting yourself. Speak to yourself and cocoon…use that fucking fire on the torch, that is on the Statue of Liberty, and realize that America is the HEAT. Attacking it MAKES IT STRONGER. Smarter. Meme-ier. It feels like Hide&Seek that could be Pursuit. Design the Life and the Liberty and create and experience the Pursuit UN FUCKING CHAINED.