Anonymous ID: 861fca March 23, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.8529507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9529

>>8528997 (pb)


>Why is this old interface aesthetic so much more pleasing than anything from nowadays? They have more colors and pixels than ever but the magic is gone.


Jewish Supremacists took over the software industry and now they're diverting all talent to work on "The [Fart] Cloud".


Meanwhile, Trump won't do a damned thing about their H-1B slaves who clog every development cycle with PILPUL.


Now the plague includes:


  • UX faggots who know as much about software usability as Bill Nye knows about science

  • Pajeets who smell bad, lie about deadlines, and play gatekeeper against whites

  • SCRUM ninjas who can't code

  • Womyn who should be home raising babies

  • Bulldyke SJWs who are a small trigger away from suicide

  • Glow in the dark CIA niggers who remove good features so you aren't productive

  • Jews who steal all software R&D, move it to Israel, and then write news articles about how smart they are


All of these are mouth-breathing saboteurs who should be denied future employment in the United States.


When the Rothschilds are all dead, software will get better again.

