Anonymous ID: ee0e94 March 23, 2020, 1:09 a.m. No.8529080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9106 >>9295

So…why was President Trump so forceful in his last few speeches as to his belief the chloroquine/azithromycin will be effective enough to succeed?


The results from the French study that was first reported likely took a few weeks at least to set up, run and the analyze the data.


President Trump has been in close proximity to several people, some presumptive who were then cleared, some who were in "the vicinity" and have claimed to have tested positive…but President Trump not only tested "clean" he seems fairly certain there will be a treatment sooner than expected. Has he already tested chloroquine…on himself…and experienced the effectiveness on a very personal basis?


I also think the reason that US Forces that were about to go galivanting around different countries in the eu on drills without certain equipment that caused snowflakes to RHEEEE and the drills to be cancelled, is they simply weren't concerned, all carry quinine tablets - at least that was common with relatives who were in the military…I hope someone can clarify…and if so were likely informed at least by their CO's - who undoubtedly knew - to make sure they didn't forget them.


I also urge all to go do a read of Q post 34 on


The world is in the process of a dramatic change. What is going on right now, this weekend and for the last two weeks as the fear porn is spread, is just the beginning…well, say the beginning as far as most are concerned but I think there has been Patriot Music playing since at least early March and the note by Q in post 34 (and 35 should be right after that as it is relevant) was March 11 and April 11 (April 11 noted as the March 11 item was now "actionable" so obviously completed before April 11…say April 10).


No announcement on March 11 that we are aware of - although I haven't seen or heard about skippy for some time - but the reading of the post can also mean the announcement is to be made April 11.


I ran into a few people this weekend that I think are not going to handle what's coming, very well. They are hoping it will end - and it will, sooner than expected by the globalist scum who created and released the SARS-CoV-2 China Virus - but they are still hoping that our "new normal" will be just like the old normal but without the China Virus…I feel that is an error. By the time all is done - I'm looking at you Independence Day - there will be dozens of fewer actors, actresses, producers, directors, media hosts, "reporters" for the globalists; dozens more fewer politicians, bankers, wall street players; it wont just be normies and moronials that are going to freak, those expecting things to just be cleaned up and then we get back to normal, need to do a re-think. New normal will not be normal.


When I truly think about what it means I am deliriously happy that I have lived to see this…an end to the dominance of evil over "All the People" and what that can truly mean. An end to 107 years of absolute, total government treason in America (and then, when President Trump and Q have saved America they can come to Canada and save us from the treason we have existed under for 46 years), an end to the Fed being owned by globalist pigs and domestic pond scum and a return to Americans owning America, running America, governing America, Living In AND Loving America!


Too bad the self-delusional-as-to-their-relevance court-jesters don't have the intellectual capacity to add to their off-tune rendition of "Imagine" to include: Imagine there's no deep state, no evil pedos too, no one controlling our lives, freedom for the land; Imagine all the people, freed and set for life!







Anonymous ID: ee0e94 March 23, 2020, 1:21 a.m. No.8529145   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9159


Which is why Q has stated "They expected it would be yesterday."


We all understand military theory…and that Q does provide possible "deltas" which often are exact so I'll stick with 4,10,20 cause I don't see it as a mistake at all.