Anonymous ID: 2bce87 March 23, 2020, 6:06 a.m. No.8530310   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As I recall, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion have been baked into several breads with no further digging thought to be required.


The other day, I titled something just out of hope and to get eyes on after a bit of false info was passed in front of me and I think it was passed in front of me on purpose exactly to illicit a knee jerk reaction.


I did not overreact I simply did not bother to verify and when I did look a bit deeper it still seemed interesting so why not leave it out there for others to investigate further.


Well, after giving it some thought and considering the harsh reaction to what others saw as a terrible mistake I thought of a decent example of how this board allowed itself to fall into a similar trap and as far as I know it has never been debunked.


Have any of you ever dug into the Protocols and got to Maurice Jolly? or did you just accept the data and the false conclusions surrounding it as fact?


So you see, this is the man who wrote the template of what would become the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion albeit when he wrote his "dialogue" it was to be used for a different purpose than to blame a quest for world domination upon the Jewish people.


Digging Deeply? Thoroughly vetting?


Another example of this can be seen in Q's apparent misunderstanding of the meaning of the Cross of St. Peter.


Perhaps Q did that just so we would dig deeper and come to find that most of these upside down crosses originate from the Myth of St. Peter and his being crucified upside down on a cross as he did not consider himself worthy to be crucified like the Christ OR was Peter trying to outdo the Christ and when that failed they reverted to the story/myth that we now know?


So you see it is easy to be wrong yet as I said before, I was not worried either way, just hopeful and wanted eyes on yet we see how that turned out when the subject was Catholicism and the Pope.


Where was the same Worry and Concern as to the validity of the Protocols and the charge against the Jewish people that the Protocols represent?


So as I am being blamed for confirmation bias I do declare that the beam in thine own eye shines much brighter.


It seems that no matter which way they toss and turn that the noose of truth only grows tighter and tighter.


Eventually most of you will learn that the little mistakes you have made amount to almost nothing when compared to the big subjects that you were correct concerning.


Only in the eyes of your desperate enemies are your tiny mistakes magnified so disproportionately and used in an attempt to discredit you much like the game the Main Stream Media is playing with POTUS.


Once your enemy has been reduced to such unfair tactics know that victory will soon follow.


First they laugh, then they fight, then they lose.


That is how you should feel once you have made them react with so much worry and concern.


I try not to blame the uneducated, those who use nothing but confirmation bias to guide them into even deeper and darker regions where most get lost.


I only seek to shine light into said regions, drop crumbs along the way, leave a little thread for them to follow once they realize they were wrong and want to find their way out again.


In the eyes of my enemy the one thing I did wrong should be enough for all of you to completely discredit me as they make no mention of the 99 things that I was correct concerning.


Now that is desperation.

They truly believe that they can alter reality by controlling the narrative here.

Now that is folly.


My group look for any little mistake in order to ease their cognitive dissonance concerning the information I am presenting to them about Q and the Plan.


I do not find it odd or any coincidence at all that my little group of half red pilled minds act similarly to those who relish in my failures or anything that even slightly resembles a failure here.


Imagine if we judged POTUS so harshly using any little thing that we did not agree with to justify withdrawing our support of him.

Imagine if we did the same concerning Q and this board.

If their desperation, furrows of worry and concern are any indication at all, Victory is not far now.

Victory is close at hand my Brothers and Sisters.


I will never give up on you!

Please do not give up on me.

We will win! The Truth will prevail!



5:5 o7