Anonymous ID: 7e33bb March 23, 2020, 4:35 a.m. No.8529854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9859 >>9860 >>9863 >>9866 >>9868 >>9884 >>9889 >>9916 >>9922 >>9961 >>0031 >>0219 >>0238 >>0378

Well… I just got a big ol’ lecture from my nephew.

What do anons think about this?

Does 10 days of darkness mean the internet?


No (me) this has nothing to do with Q, I’m just trying to put into your head the sheer scale of your statement of “shutting down the internet” I’m not talking about facebook going down or insta or snapchat or youtube.

I’m talking about your overarching statement of turning off the net.

Just so you know that “when it gets turned off”

Your computer, tv, fridge are all off. You are running through a smart meter. It communicates through the electrical infrastructure but that is then controlled by a system that is communicating over the internet. With this communication stopped the network will not function. You have no power.

Your toilet and your taps, they are running on systems that are also controlled over the net, secured yes… won’t say highly secured as both have had hacking issues but they need the internet to run and communicate/coordinate everything. The net goes down, the water doesn’t pump, the pressure is not maintained and the system will drain and your bathtub full of water is useless unless you have tablets to treat your water, the fluoride isn’t put into the system either which you may actually like. The toilets will stop taking your shit as even if you managed to pour buckets down the toilet the system will back up as it has nowhere to go without treatment facilities receiving waste.

Your supply chains instantly start to dry up as no deliveries will be moving out as every company requires the internet to run. Your shops run out of food in days with panic buying and no replen. You can’t go to the bakery as they have no flour, sugar, yeast, water or power.

You can’t drive your car anywhere as the roads will be a nightmare to traverse in the first few days as signals and infrastructure are no longer helping you. You can’t get any petrol for your car either and just as a side note do you know the expiry times for octane in fuel? May want to brush up on that.

You don’t have solar, you don’t have a well, you don’t have fuel reserves or a garden growing food and you don’t have month’s worth of food to shelter on so pray to god the net never goes down (me) because if you could turn it off the way you talk about you can’t just turn it back on again.

Anonymous ID: 7e33bb March 23, 2020, 4:50 a.m. No.8529916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9919 >>9946


I just wish my nephew would come over from the neutral zone. Been working on him from the get go for me which was the Kavanaugh senate ‘trial’. Will keep at it. He thinks I’m lost to the tin foil brigade.