>>8530587 ty baker. Good morning.
Watch the ego faggot!
52 posts LB, here's a coupla moar (You's) for (You). If it keeps (Ya) fed, so be it.
>>8530184 (PB) @ about 35 post count
>Anon, your posts are HIGH signal to noise! High post count justified.
>Fire at will anon!
If you use Baker Tools, (You) can track your (You) "Ratio's".
>>8530727 Indeed. Why [SCARE] event necessary
(Sure hoping the RED October operation is the scare event, and not some missile over Hawaii or someothershit).
>this collective shock and rage can be harvested to obliterate the cabAl worldwide and permanently eradicat [theM].
That is the power of the Boomerang!
>>8530027 (PB)
>So, the cascade is:
>1) Cures, and relief
>2) Disclosure (perps)
>3) Rage by the people
>4) Arrests
Shock and Awe, then…
Reboot had me thinking… Is that in a drop somewhere, can't find..
Interdasting. Reminds of "FastByte22" in Clancy's 'Threat Vector'. (China China China). Timely.
>Is Paul Furber wrong?
Obviously yes.
And now, see through the BDA disinfo, with the subtle "Virus is a shitshow in China and escaped" idea plant.
Pushes BDA, but slams Q?
Was open to BDA info previously, and…. all done!
Moar Ammo Spent