Seconded. Well stated anon.
These kids can barely read or pronounce the words. They sure as heck didn't write the script.
I wonder if patriots have control of the YouTube and Netflix algorithms to suggest certain programming now?
I think a lot of these celebs are being pressured to "clean out their closets". Basically, if everyone will turn over their blackmail, and delete the originals, its invisible power can be destroyed and the legal issues can begin to be resolved.
Arbitrary lines in the sand are "threats". If you expose me, I'll expose you. She seems to be decrying the stalemate which is allowing for the continuing murder of children.
If this is truly why we need blood, for them, then I can't more fully support the Surgeon General's call to donate blood.
This anon can confirm. Parent-in-law-anon has RA Rheumatoid Arthritis and takes hydrochloroquine. Anecdotally, she is super healthy otherwise (weight control, BP) and very rarely gets ill.
Anytime a high-profile figure announces they have CV, it sounds like they got a visit from the man.
When they announce they were exposed, and "out of an abundance of caution" are going into self-quarantine, it sounds like they are working with the cops.
Hadrian hosted the party for other's birthdays. 9 WERE age 6, and this was their 7th birthday.