Anonymous ID: 000000 March 23, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8531528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1725 >>1837 >>1991 >>2056


Coronavirus Latest: Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan Orders All Non-Essential Businesses To Close Monday, But Not Issuing ‘Stay At Home’ Order

Anonymous ID: 000000 March 23, 2020, 8:29 a.m. No.8531537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1573 >>1631 >>1826 >>1964

finding calm amidst the storm… a message of thanks to all fellow anons.


the message below was forwarded to me by a dear friend this morning.  it seems a good description of this great awakening, our human struggles and offers guidance on how we can escape them.


at the root of the message is love and forgiveness.  sometimes very hard to to do but very necessary.  and yes, this anon is still working on it.


visited the author's blog and found this other profound message that also deserves to be shared during these chaotic times:


"Be silent, quiet your mind and know God. That is all that you need to do, then He will make Himself known to you.


Do not be impatient. Time is an illusion, so let go of or release its apparent demands on you. Bliss will follow."


( )


hoping everyone is able to find calm in the midst of this storm. 


and given that love is the true currency of our world, hoping to increase your riches by sending much love to all anons!


<3   >3   <3


There is no divine judgment.

by John Smallman


untitled2020-03-21-jesus-audio-blog-for-saturday-march-21st.mp3 Jesus Audio Blog for Saturday March 21st


You are on the cusp of great revelations that will amaze and alarm humanity, as the scale of corruption and deceit in human affairs, engaged in for eons by those who would rule and control you, are brought to light by some very courageous investigators of the utmost integrity. Part of the game of separation has been the motivation by those of high intelligence to set themselves up as leaders and controllers because they consider themselves superior to others and, therefore, totally deserving of power and privilege. They see “the masses” as tools to be used to help them achieve their aims. They have appeared as emperors, as kings, as dictators, as tribal chiefs, as people of importance who have “rightfully” inherited their positions due to their royal blood lines, and they have gone to great lengths to prevent those blood lines becoming “contaminated.” They have always been very secretive, and have, without any qualms, disposed of any who would not submit to their authoritarian ways, including members of their own families. Their greed for power has always been insatiable. Now their secrets and their criminal activitiesare to be revealed, in fact are already being revealed.


Many have suspected those in high places of nefarious activities, which have been ongoing for a very long time, but, until now, there has been no way to expose these activities, or the ambitions of these intensely egotistical people and call them to account. Enormous change is in the air, and it will surprise quite a few when who the “good guys” are becomes known. Nothing, in the illusory world, is as it seems.


Reality is Love, and there is nothing other than Love. In the unreal world, the world of form, where sentient life experiences itself as a physical being, material forms appear to be separate, individual, disconnected from each other. This unreal world, the world of illusion was constructed with the express intent to experience separation, individuality, aloneness, and it has done this extremely well.



Anonymous ID: 000000 March 23, 2020, 8:58 a.m. No.8531797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FFLfag here with an update on the gun buying situation.


The FBI has reopened the NICS phone line. Called about 10 or 15 minutes ago. Went to hold message immediately and said my call would be answered in less than 15 minutes.