Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.8531399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2034

While trying to formulate a theory about what has happened, both to society and the economy, and what will be required to try to repair the situation, I thought of this:


Has our computer’s hard-drive crashed? Obviously the worst scenario possible and the most difficult to repair. Society literally has to be pulled apart and rebuilt from the ground up. Damage would correlate with the amount of time needed to replace the faulty drive (ie. time to make a vaccine/shore up Wall Street & Main Street). Perhaps a chip on the motherboard fried and it’s simply impossible to fix?


Instead, has the operating system crashed? Another truly awful scenario, which often involves things like having to reload drivers, third party software, updates to all. Within that scenario are the choices of trying to ‘’repair’’ the problem, or perform a clean reinstall which required reformatting the drive and losing all currently stored data in the process. No pun intended, perhaps the computers been infected with a virus? Perhaps the computer and operating system are working but an essential program isn’t and now requires a ‘’patch.’’


Even best-case scenario I expect society to be totally unrecognizable in comparison to the world as it was even a month ago. I’m in America and I fear it has been irreversibly altered, for the worse and I’m convinced most people are still in the denial phase. There will be loss of many businesses, people’s jobs, massive draw-down of all aspects of consumerism, whether shopping or travel, with service industries such as hotels, tourism, airlines, restaurants, theaters etc., all being pushed to the brink. That neighborhood restaurant you used to enjoy. Gone. That neighborhood watering hole. Shuttered, permanently and those you knew who worked there are, like mostly everyone, now in survival mode.


9/11 changed America for the worse (i.e. loss of civil liberties etc.), and I think that will feel like a walk in the park by comparison.

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 8:28 a.m. No.8531529   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Not weighing in on AS here, well actually I think he's a troubled, clever chap that found a way via the GA and Q to get some attention….


That said, the loser who posted this and and photoshopped the weak muh joo bullshit must be one of those Garrison art theives who has moved on to other projects.


In short, a fucking piece of shit…a dreg of society. Fuck off loser.

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 8:41 a.m. No.8531638   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This is the play anon. Right as it was sinking in some live clip notice was off to the side. Clicked it and it was Sir coumo on fauxNews reading a powerpoint on muh virus policies in NY. You could tell the PR division had picked out his attire and his hair was made up.


I'm sure to the average zombie he came across very "presidential". Almost convinced everyone's in on it too. I mean everyone, which is a very sad belief to have for me.

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.8531846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1866 >>1972 >>2020


I don't get it. These pictures of de niro wearing those riser (sic?) shoes - shoes with massive bottoms - are from scenes from the recent movie The Irishman.


He's wearing them so they can give the appearance, on film, that de niro is TALLER than he really is. He's the height of the true-life character he's playing.


So waht? He doesn't walk around in his fee time wearing those shoes. What are people so obsessed with here?


Scratch that. I get it. People are too fucking stupid to research where the pictures are from and then run around like they caught him leaving his freemason lodge.


Give me a fucking break! And no, I don't care for de niro at all. I can't watch his movies any more, and to paraphrase him, I'd like to punch him in the face!


The real story is that sex trafficing network in France/Eurpope he was caught using. I don't need Kiss-like shoes as a distraction.

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 9:08 a.m. No.8531884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1913 >>2069

After going dark during the most tumultuous time in my life:


Q: Do not fear


Sure. I feel so much better now. ‘Ballot box secured’ and all.








Trust Sessions.

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 9:15 a.m. No.8531974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1989 >>1992 >>2007 >>2024 >>2029 >>2038 >>2072

Anybody else seeing this add at the top of the screen? And if so, why is nobody bothered by it?


Seems to me it's a shade removed from animated CP.


What the fuck? Even if you tell me to settle down, how would this ever help lend credibility to normieworld if they saw it?

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 9:18 a.m. No.8532003   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mockery? Wow. I'm sure his feelings are hurt. He has to wear certain clothing to play a role - and makes more money in a week on set than you'll make in your fucking lifetime.


Our president wears skin products and hair products. I guess you're mocking him too?

Anonymous ID: af7627 March 23, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.8532095   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Einstein, at the risk of repeating myself, WHAT HE POSTED WERE IMAGES FROM A FILLM SET. Straight up photographs.


They weren't memes. Perhaps had they been memes, LIKE THE GUY WHO POSTED THE NEXT ONE WITH DE NIRO WEARING PANTIES, the reason would have been clear. The "mockery" would have been obvious.


Take your fucking butthurt feelings back to mommie. You want to jump in this conversation don't cry when I make you look like a stupid fucking moran. Touch the hot stove, get burned you liddle faggot (no homo). Fucking gapped tooth bitch.