Anonymous ID: be0444 March 23, 2020, 8:38 a.m. No.8531614   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I reread this about a couple weeks back and it had me thinking about this Q drop.


The phrase "A Brave New World" is used by John who is the mixed race "savage" who gets invited to the New World.


He is so fascinated by it that he keeps referring to this world as "A Brave New World".


As he continues to know more about this new world he finally sees that they are essentially slaves that have been chained by pleasures and drugs.


At the end of the book, John gets a chance to talk to the director - one of the people who is controlling the population.

(A little like the Neo, Architect scene in the Matrix.).


The Director tells the savage essentially how the society works by keeping everyone in a state of happiness and content. Drugging them to make them feel good and programming them from birth to love their station in life. No pain, no rejection, no love, no free thought because why would you need it when everything is provided for you.


John, rejects this and denounces this New World and says the following (PIC RELATED).


You guys should read it when you get a chance.