Maybe it's nothing, but the symbol of John Paul II seems to the Flag of Sweden, and the Colors to Swede, Ukraine (The Ancient Kazharian) and Kazakhstan.
Maybe it's nothing, but the symbol of John Paul II seems to the Flag of Sweden, and the Colors to Swede, Ukraine (The Ancient Kazharian) and Kazakhstan.
>Trump sent money to Ukraine. It hasn't stopped, carried on from Obomber and McTumor.
that is a terrible idea., The NATO wants the WWIII.
<Phase 4 is too ensure Turkey and Sweden are on side destroy humans and see how the take over of Ukraine is coming. It needs to happen asap. Without Ukraine and Crimea, Russia looses major military base advantage.
Zbiginiew Brzezinski did it, Ukraine is the bridge between Russia and Europe. for something. Russia annexed Crimea, although the UN don't approve.
>Iran needs to go because they are a major power player on side of Russia.
Yet We have in Phase [3]., it say that Iran finish the end of 2018 (words of Bolton)
<The point is to take out Russian allies to weaken aND attack it.
Not Middle east, Trump at least remove his troops in Syria. something Good. because he will be more in focus in Hothing and Hezbollah and to protect SA.
They're allies. although, It doesn't know if China will help militarily. it say that The Chinese put some troops in Syria.
>Protect SA. Players are being moved. They won't get Syria. They pulled out to move to Iran instead. Stretch Russian protection thinner. Use more of their resources. Mother trucker they are trying to resource trick. Bleed em dry. Set fires all over Russian allies. Making them "think" Russia can't protect them.
The Mr. Trump will leave that Putin and Assad finish the problems and So, the Syrians come back to Home. Trump has to neutralize the black hats of iran (Hothing in Yemen, Hezbollah, etc) and so to avoid the conflict with Iran, because Iran is a White Hat Country, but kidnapped.
>Crimea is the black Sea port. Vital for Russia.
Very Vital.
<Ukraine wants to be with Russia. It's not done yet. Major civil unrest verge of war. Nazi vs Russian (Ukrainians)
The mayority of the Ukrainians are Russians. Already there protest in Ukraine.
The Nazis took HQ of Gazprom in Ukraine. Putin isn't happy.
it's time for the Panic???
Sincerely, Somethimes I don't enjoy the show.
Good Job Anon.