they made snuff tapes. he was a mason smuggler.
>Apotropaic marks are symbols or patterns scratched into the fabric of a building to keep witches out. They are sometimes called witches' marks, a term also used to denote identifying marks once thought to be found on the bodies of witches.
>New dumb conspiracy
Nice editorializing, Luke.
>The conspiracy theory behind curious
(((David Weigel))) - he was on here recently bragging about his writing skills
>Think Progress
'nuff said
Part of the genius of Rosanne spreading this on a holiday weekend is that they don't have their top-shelf shills… they're either away, in hiding, and for the useful idiots, too expensive to hire without looking suspicious.
The media has run this EXACT playbook before and failed.
>You will also notice that the jews started to seriously restrict internet freedom after the "tay incident."
Microsoft is also going to start monitoring your Hotmail and Skype for "unacceptable" things. Clippy is coming to your house, goy.