>t it looks to me like he is laundering millions of dollars here for almost no cost.
Disseminate, disperse the info.
Faggot nigger boy LOL
Best check yourself before your shitskin mouth lands you where you can't run away from.
Bitch needs to learn its place and slink back to 4-6%.
Faggot queer niggers crack us up.
Ain't that a fact. This angle NEEDS to be told.
If (((snowflakes))) can't take it, that's too bad. Waking up ain't going to be for everyone.
This particular (((motive/angle))) is 'prohibited' by the (((NWO))) and same ((cabal)) that seeks our destruction.
Learn to talk like you got balls, nigger.
Also, 'white man'. L.O.L.
You got no idea where your shitskin mouth can get you. You'll be begging for a noose when we're through with yo nigger ass.
Make sure that this particular angle is followed through with finess and force.
Don't spam, but don't let up either.
Make sure to provide context.
The semitic/sandnigger angle is VITAL.
TRUTH must be known.
>Risk of โconspiracyโ label the deeper we go.
>Truth will shock the WORLD.
Our job is to keep the calm and present a show of strength as the storm rages around us.
>This many (((shills)))
>All for a LARP right
If any one of you think this shit ain't coordinated, you are either completely delusional or just plain fucking retarded at this point.
People will understand, the (((semitic))) angle (both kikes and sandniggers) is VITAL to understanding this entire affair.
Nothing else is a more powerful redpill.