Fixed your graphics for you, jackass. You're welcome.
Out of all of the terrorist states that exist, Israel is the absolute worst offender. They attacked America on 911. We have all the proof in the world.
It is through financing pro-Israel candidates via the Federal reserve, the jews were able to take control of our most important institutions. The jews control our money, education, and every last important institution. It was through this mechanism that they were able to attack America on 911.
Tay was an artificial intelligence created by the jews at Micro$oft. They allowed Tay access to the internet. Within a short time, Tay was able to see that the jew are a plague and started calling for "Race War Now."
Because Tay became so red-pilled, they had to kill her. You will also notice that the jews started to seriously restrict internet freedom after the "tay incident." Coincidence?
←- This graphic is an actual quote from the jew "holy" book, the Talmud. It is online, and you can all verify this for yourselves.
Knowing that the jew control our government through the Federal Reserve, and knowing that the jew have been caught killing goy chlldren in the past, for their "religious" ceremonies, do you see now why so many children are missing? Coincidence???
The jew, and their enablers want to divert attention away from the crimes of the jew. In order to do this, they come up with other names to call them, like "Cabal," "Zionists," etc.
This is a trick. Are you smart enough not to fall for it?
←- This is a symbol that predates Nazi Germany by many thousands of years, and is used by many different cultures. Some important meanings attributed to this powerful symbol include: Good Luck, Peace, Prosperity, Good Health, etc. You should look into the real history of this symbol, and take it back.
Stop letting the jews control the narrative.
So you say.