That left pic sequence, showing some metal frame remaining, then it disappearing, is interesting. I hadn't seen that before. Maybe there was directed energy at work – but that was 16 1/2 years ago. Did we or someone else have that stuff in space already?
I do not need to take a side in this. I like this place, regardless of what or who Q is or whether Q is correct. Q does drop a lot of very good info. That's how I read news. I look for the nuggets and try to sort it from the disinfo.
We're a powerful analytical group here. If Q is planting misleading crumbs, we'll ask the right questions. One thing I am sure of, the administration reads this board.
This is the best source of news and analysis of US politics on the net.
Kudos on a well done meme. I think it's disinfo, but it is well done and I laughed too.