Okay I am totally with POTUS and Q. I want that up front. However I am deeply uncertain of the idea we have here that Hitler was a puppet of the Rothschilds. I do not feel that there is enough evidence established yet to say for sure if he was or was not. My theory is that Q knows that the normies have been hit more than anything else by the Jewish propaganda about the holocaust. Most of us old timers will remember that FBIanon said this about the holocaust. That it was a lie. That the population census does not support systematic genocide of the Jews. They suffered some but there was no across the board attempt to kill them off. Q fears the truth about the Holocaust will be a bridge to far for the normies and so for that reason they are spinning us off with misdirection.
I have had a curiosity for 20 years or more why after the war did Rudolph Hess get jailed until his death. If you dont know he flew in 1940 to bring a secret communication to Churchill. Then he was isolated during the war and after the war was jailed in a special jail for some big time Nazi that they didnt execute. Albert Speer is probably one of the more famous Nazi there with Hess. Hess was allowed no interviews with media he wrote no books. Then Hess died in a mysterious way. Hanged when his family said he could not even raise his arms over his head at the end.
What crimes did Hess commit that warranted his life time punishment? They imprisoned him on only planning world war or some such shit. Albert Speer who ran the munitions for Germany the last 3 years was much dirtier. He knew of the work camps and the conditions there for the Russian prisoners and the others. He was paroled out. Even wrote a book and cucked himself to the Jews and was allowed to visit England and do TV shows before his death.
One guy is gone before the so called Holocaust even happened is imprisoned for life and ass clown Speer is partying with the enemy in London. Two different results for sure.
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