Anonymous ID: e59a72 March 31, 2018, 3:17 p.m. No.853577   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Okay I am totally with POTUS and Q. I want that up front. However I am deeply uncertain of the idea we have here that Hitler was a puppet of the Rothschilds. I do not feel that there is enough evidence established yet to say for sure if he was or was not. My theory is that Q knows that the normies have been hit more than anything else by the Jewish propaganda about the holocaust. Most of us old timers will remember that FBIanon said this about the holocaust. That it was a lie. That the population census does not support systematic genocide of the Jews. They suffered some but there was no across the board attempt to kill them off. Q fears the truth about the Holocaust will be a bridge to far for the normies and so for that reason they are spinning us off with misdirection.


I have had a curiosity for 20 years or more why after the war did Rudolph Hess get jailed until his death. If you dont know he flew in 1940 to bring a secret communication to Churchill. Then he was isolated during the war and after the war was jailed in a special jail for some big time Nazi that they didnt execute. Albert Speer is probably one of the more famous Nazi there with Hess. Hess was allowed no interviews with media he wrote no books. Then Hess died in a mysterious way. Hanged when his family said he could not even raise his arms over his head at the end.


What crimes did Hess commit that warranted his life time punishment? They imprisoned him on only planning world war or some such shit. Albert Speer who ran the munitions for Germany the last 3 years was much dirtier. He knew of the work camps and the conditions there for the Russian prisoners and the others. He was paroled out. Even wrote a book and cucked himself to the Jews and was allowed to visit England and do TV shows before his death.


One guy is gone before the so called Holocaust even happened is imprisoned for life and ass clown Speer is partying with the enemy in London. Two different results for sure.

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Anonymous ID: e59a72 March 31, 2018, 3:18 p.m. No.853588   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One guy is gone before the so called Holocaust even happened is imprisoned for life and ass clown Speer is partying with the enemy in London. Two different results for sure.


I believe you have to ask yourself with the knowledge we know now what secrets could of embarrassed the English or the Jews or both that they kept Hess isolated and imprisoned to the end? I believe Hess made an offer from Hitler to England to guarantee the English Empire and I think it went something like this. "You know I threw off the Jewish bankers Winston. Why should two German nations war with each other? The Anglos and the Saxons were two German tribes that gave your great country its name. AngloLand….England…land of the Anglos. I know you are driven around by the nose by the Jews and their debt slavery. Let us unite and together we free the world of Jewish domination"


This could indeed be a very big secret. It was the truth and the Jews would never like that idea to get out. Churchill had made statement after the war the biggest crime that Hitler did was to create his own economy apart from the Jewish slave system. Where they skim off the top with their fiat money. This is why they kept Hess those many year in isolation.


David Irving a noted WW2 historian who was jailed in Austria for even questioning parts of the official Holocaust narritive. Why would the truth need laws to protect it? The truth only needs to be set free and it will protect itself. NO….they are hiding something. They are jailing people even now…some old 89 year old grandmother in Germany is being jailed for questioning the official line. What are they hiding?


David Irving has stated he has found evidence that Himmler did not die the way they say he did. The official narrative is that Himmler took a large ass cyanide tablet hidden in his mouth after they discovered who he was. That is bullshit. Since the war we have discovered that Himmler was in constant communication with American ass clowns of the OSS that were stationed in Switzerland. Himmler made trades with the Jews to save some rich bloodline Jews that the elders wanted. About 1300 of them. Himmler actually did not get discovered by the allies…he grew tired of waiting and went and told the allies it was him….and he wanted to talk to the ranking allied officers. After he did so they quickly sent a group of officers to Himmler to interview him….and he ended up dead within an hour. Evidence is he was ritually tortured and strangled. David Irving also has found evidence that Himmler was distraught toward the end of the war and gave an odd statement in tears that he was betraying the greatest light in the world.

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Anonymous ID: e59a72 March 31, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.853597   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So what if Hitler was not the puppet but the puppet was Himmler? Himmler was in a college fraternity….and unlike the jokey jokey American image of fraternity. You have to envision the Skull and Bones butt fuck each other swear blood oaths to each other fraternity. Himmler was an occultist and likely a Mason. And the Jewish Illuminati was born in Germany in Frankfurt. I believe the Jews strangled Himmler so fast because they did not want the truth about Hitler and Himmlers working for the Jews to get out. He was disposable. A tying up of lose ends.


There also is no evidence that Hitler gave the go ahead to do any genocide. There is only some evidence that Heydrich and Himmler were in on it.


I believe Hitler used the Rothschilds money early when he needed it. He knew probably what the Jews planned. To start another major war. But what the Jews did not depend on was a double cross. Hitler is famous for figuring out his enemies and mentally mind fucking them and attacking at the perfect time. Hitler made an alliance with Stalin but double crossed him with in two years. So Hitler was a gambler….big time risk taker. It is what shocked the Jews. They never thought the Poles would fall as fast as they did. I believe Blitzkrieg surprised even them. They then never thought France would fall as fast as it did. But Hitler had struck a major tricky attack and threw them for a loop. It also explains why Hitler hesitated to smash the British at Dunkirk. He didnt want to kill too many other whites people. His whole problem was the Jewish slavery system.

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Anonymous ID: e59a72 March 31, 2018, 3:19 p.m. No.853603   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Now it is common knowledge that the USSR was run by Jews. They made of the ranks of the secret police…the Checka. They were the political officers that watched the normal Russians in the Army. The Jews were the highest ranks in the communist party. And communism is basically the Talmud watered down for the Goy. He went into Russia to try to destroy the Jews biggest power base…the reason that Britian would not make peace. He likely would of won except the Jews had gotten America to break all rules of neutrality and sent huge amount of equipment to Stalin. We save the USSR. America did. The lend lease amounts to Russia are staggering. We sent enough food to Russia that we could of fed the Red army for 5 years.


I believe Hitler did not do a genocide on the Jews. I believe the Jews created the story of the Holocaust to help revenge themselves on Germany and Hitler. The one group that stood up the the Jews and gave them a real run for their sheckels. So they had to make sure that Germany and Hitler paid. Paid in reputation and paid in the pocketbook. The Germans are still paying the Jews.


They pay the Jews with a law that any Jew who lived in an occupied country during the war gets a check. You dont have to prove injury or financial loss. Just being there gets you money. But what is so funny is that NO other race or group can get any money from Germany for the occupation. If your a gypsy…fuck you…only money for the jews. If your a homo….fuck you….only money for the jews. If your a french communist…fuck you….only money for the jews. Why you ask? No money for everyone injured in the war? Because the Jews are the only ones that matter in the Jew slavery system. And it all comes down to they are "special". Simple as that.


The Jews have been hammering Hitler and his name non stop since the war. Every two minutes another movie is made…another mention of the horrors of the holocaust is presented in TV shows from Hollywood. But it is a fiction. Hollywood is a spell making machine. The magic of motion pictures. It can make people who might be skeptical just accept it because some clever movie was made about it. Tell a big lie and just repeat repeat repeat until the people dont know any better and believe it.

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Anonymous ID: e59a72 March 31, 2018, 3:20 p.m. No.853612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

No Q does not tell the truth about Germany and Hitler….not because they are trying to be tricky but because the amount of propaganda on the normies has been so much that people will not accept the truth. It would be a bridge to far. People would recoil and say…..Trump is going to be just like Hitler. And they would imagine that would be a bad thing. LOL. So to avoid it they spin….that Hitler was a puppet. But if you clever anons remember at the same time as they asked was Hitler a puppet they also said….disinformation was neccessary.


Because right not what Hitler was or was not does not matter. Not until we defeat the enemy and pull their fangs from our throats…once we are free we can hash out the truth of WW2 once and for all.


And many of you will likely be shocked. Honestly I am.

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