Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:05 a.m. No.8532506   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2580 >>2581 >>2587 >>2620 >>2676

Found the repost on blood-drinkers and the physical symptoms they experience. Recall yesterday we learned from Ellen associates that she requires people to chew gum before approaching her? And prohibits fish from being brought into the vicinity? Anything that might have an intense odor might be a problem for someone with a greatly heightened sense of smell? I mentioned this yesterday.

Do any of these symptoms fit the other entertainers who have been tweeting weird videos lately? (I'm digging and not watching videos.)


>>8483960 PB on 2020-03-20

When sangs [disgusting satanic human blood drinkers] discover they are a sang they call it an "Awakening"


Signs of a Sanguinarian Awakening


A sanguinarian vampire is commonly created by being infected by another vampire, but some vampires are genetically prone to becoming a vampire.

A latent sanguinarian vampire will come to his awakening later in life, usually around the teen years, but a latent vampire can develop signs of vampirism at any age and of any religion.

The basic signs of a vampire awakening can be frightening and even painful for someone who isn't aware of what's happening.

Extreme and unquenchable thirst (unless blood is consumed, on accident and usually their own in the beginning)

The taste of blood creates more energy

Feelings of euphoria, relaxation and heightened senses when near blood

An insatiable desire to consume blood

Oversensitivity to sunlight

Either difficulty tanning or easily tanned

Feelings of anger and rapid mood swings

Psychic abilities

Empathic thoughts around others

New food allergies

Chronic and cycling bouts of depression

Migraines and possible GI problems

Overemotional or melodramatic

Heightened physical senses (hearing, smell, taste and touch)

Tendency to be more active at night

Withdrawal from family and friends

Sudden strength


Sanguinarian vampires usually do not experience levitation, shape-shifting or other physical powers.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:10 a.m. No.8532580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just digging old breads for 'thirst' and finding some stuff that might correlate.

Remember Merkel shaking? Nadler falling over? Was it Bette Midler who fell over or was that Oprah? Of course HRC fell down.


Is it possible that these are neurological symptoms caused by iron overload and/or endocrine system shutdown? Symptoms of a blood-addict after their blood supply has been cut off?


#6779334 at 2019-06-18

>Remember Pelosi & her having the glass of water given to her while she was speaking at the podium & then kept drinking from it & even said she didn't know she was thirsty.

>Also, remember the back & forth with LdR & Q and she mentioned we would watch our kids die first & die of thirst?

Maybe it is them that will die of thirst.

>Something strange is definitely going o: Pelosi, Nadler, HRC, & now Merkel.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:14 a.m. No.8532630   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2637 >>2643 >>2732


Supposedly this. If you believe the anon who posted these drops in 2018. Which I do. After 2 years of consideration. Symptoms in 1st crumb below. I have become convinced that Q+ = POTUS posted these.


Updated the Sangs Twoofy collection with the missing crumb. Updated pastebin




(((Who))) posted this? Find out below.


What does @ symbolize throughout Q's crumbs? Find out below.


#1906612 2018-06-26


The Red Hen.

The Red Cross.

The Red Cellar.

Red Red.

The connection is blood.

Bloodlines. Blood types.

Always has been. Always will be.

The feeders are thirsty.

So very very thirsty.

Liked a caged animal.

Starving to death.

Trump cutting off the supply.

Inventory drying up.

Making them sick.

These people are SICK.

Hillary was going to feed them.

Feed them US.

Who still has inventory?

Doctors have inventory.

Antarctica has inventory.

War zones have inventory.

The border has inventory.

The castles have inventory.

Planned Parenthood has inventory.

Blood banks have inventory, but it has CPDA.

They crave. Such strong cravings.

Introduced by parents early on.

The price of fame and fortune.

Sangs are twoofy. So twoofy.

A pint a month. Or more. Much more?

Weakening. Suicidal.

Think like a drug dealer.

But the drug is YOU.

Research them.

Expose them.



#2979764 2018-09-11 (reposted 2018-09-12)

(((twoofy SANGS)))

Think logically.

Q posts article about "drinking blood".

Why now? Let's dig together.

Google "twoofy Sangs" if you dare.

Modern day vampires are real.

Blood boys are real. (Silicon Valley?)

Hollywood normalization is real.

Q has cut off (their) young blood supply.

They are so thirsty right now.

They are weak without their supply.

They crave. Such strong cravings.

The Sangs are twoofy. So twoofy.

HRC was going to feed them our blood.

Angelina and Billy Bob. Dig.

Johnny Depp's illness. Dig.

Severe pain from withdrawals.

Nerve disorders and iron poisoning.

Forced to use Chelation Therapy.

Forced to take Oxycontin for pain.

But, oh the health benefits.

No more age-related diseases.

Some blood tastes better than others.

Haitain blood is preferred. Why?

If "donors" dry up, what do you do?

Go public and pay for willing "donors".

$8,000 for 2.5 liters of young blood.

Fresher = better.

Younger = better.

Scared = better.

Why stop at drinking human blood?

Why are they normalizing cannibalism?

Spirit Cooking. Katy Perry. Walking dead.

Red Shield = Rothschild (Blood Money).

Red Cross = Blood Supply.

Red Hen = Blood Meals.

Red Shoes = Blood Sacrifice.

Anthony Bourdain. Human meat chef?

Kate Spade. Human skin designer?

Don't go too far down this rabbit hole.

Good news. God wins.





Anon adds: Triple parentheses are a Q+ signature.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Fri 05 Oct 2018 13:53:48 No.342

Important moment in time.

The picture will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI Sun 04 Nov 2018 12:18:15 No.390

When you can't discredit this movement using logic and facts, you resort to comparing it to ART?

How many articles has the WASH POST released attacking the 'Q' movement?

Why is the WASH POST dedicated to attacking this movement?



If we aren't a threat, or real, or simply just a conspiracy theory, why the [constant] heavy attacks?

[Information Warfare][IW]

[Destroy the Controlled Narrative]







Part 1 of 2

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.8532643   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2707 >>2849



Sangs Twoofy drop, part 2 of 2

Plus the original graphic that was posted with the 2018-09-12 crumb below.


#2980748 2018-09-12


This image was lifted from my local copy. This site is not for public use nor will it be because pay-triots will cheat and link to it. Therefore, I just convert it to a screenshot to frustrate (them). Much harder for (them) to monetize an image. Also harder to shadowban an image if file name changes. Theory is perfectly sauced and sourced WITHIN image . Self-contained including 8ch post. I was the original poster of twoofy Sangs three months ago. Everything is accurate. It needs to be made notable so it will surface to Reddit, then Twitter, then YouTube for normies. Not for this audience. Do your part please.

(This image was copied to our Meme Library with the filename TwoofySangsModernVampires.jpg)


#3049052 2018-09-16

Yes they drink and inject…

The blood of our children.

Without it they are weak.

With it they are strong.

Cut off the supply first.

The sangs are twoofy.

Sean Penn. twoofy?

Robert De Niro. twoofy?

Alyssa Milano. twoofy?

Johnny Depp. twoofy?

You get the idea.


#3300221 2018-10-02

Does Al Gore have a Twat?

Someone should ask the man …

"Mr. Gore, Why did you have bags of human blood in you hotel mini fridg during the 200 Presidential campaign? A little "twoofy"?


#3755355 2018-11-06

Red wave happens.

Shock wears off for them.

And them BOOM!

RGB says she can't make it 2 more years.

Time to resign. So tired. So twoofy.

Amy Comey Barrett.

Define a living human as a heartbeat.

Abortion radically constrained.

Planned parenthood defunded.


#3755355 2018-11-06

Red wave happens.

Shock wears off for them.

And them BOOM!

RGB says she can't make it 2 more years.

Time to resign. So tired. So twoofy.

Amy Comey Barrett.

Define a living human as a heartbeat.

Abortion radically constrained.

Planned parenthood defunded.


Here it is. The meaning of the @ symbol throughout Q's crumbs.


#3895867 at 2018-11-14

"They" thirst.

@ was their source.

Geolocated. Geotracked.

Prey harder to find. Twoofy.

Riskier to obtain feeders.

Mistakes have been made.

Border supply promised.

Silly Trump in the way.

Evil demands sacrifice.

Blood and fire. Bloodlines.

under nuclear reactors.

Under major cities (LV).

Under airports & stadiums.

Great place to hide bunkers.

Hurricane Harvey.

Hurricane Florence.

Santa Susana.



#4290565 2018-12-13

Toots really actin up

All this for a larp?

Ow. Sanks twoofy.


#4327609 2018-12-16

this is the channel at the end of the omega

there you will find the map

herr is a partial legend

swanks twoofy keys


#5388876 2019-02-26

Let's assume "their" supply is drying up.

Above ground and below.

Let's assume the "border" is 95% blocked.

The best honey that money can buy.

Only one local source left that is still legal.

Did India sending "them" Packing today?

Bottom of the barrel in Syria and Yemen?

Must be tough to export from Venezuela?

I've said it before and will say it again.

Those sangs must really be getting twoofy.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:20 a.m. No.8532682   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>these are all porphyria symptoms

Porphyria is a group of diseases in which substances called porphyrins build up, negatively affecting the skin or nervous system. The types that affect the nervous system are also known as acute porphyria, as symptoms are rapid in onset and last a short time.


I think we need to read moar on this.

Just grabbed the abstract.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:22 a.m. No.8532698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


POTUS has also said, repeatedly, that he DOESN'T want companies to use the assistance $$ to do stock buybacks, raising their stock price and allowing execs with stock options to cash out richer.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.8532815   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yeah. I'm truly sorry to have to be the one digging & posting this. I could not face it in 2018 when it first came up. Seemed too cray-cray, and too disgusting to even contemplate.


Now brave anons are considering that it might be possible, and examining the evidence and thinking about implications.

Anonymous ID: eb66ad March 23, 2020, 10:34 a.m. No.8532845   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2887


Who posted it = Q+

Because they used the signifier

triple parentheses twice in the drops

and twice in Q's crumbs

when referring to POTUS.


The @ refers to the SOURCE(s) of the HUMAN TRAFFICKING that feeds the vampire sangs.

Go ahead and start searching for the @ symbol

and you'll see what I mean.

There are hundreds of references, too many to post. I posted a bunch of them the other day in a series of posts as soon as I discovered this.


You have moar than you know.