Anonymous ID: 6b49ad March 23, 2020, 1:44 p.m. No.8535308   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5347 >>5390

The most difficult thing to deal with about this plan is watching loved ones lose their jobs. Some of us here work from home or have secure jobs and aren't feeling it, but when the news comes in that a relative is now jobless because of this, you start to wonder everyone wasn't just rounded up when they "had it all" and dealt with the fallout then. Seems like a upheaval and revolution would've been much easier to mitigate than what's happening right now.

Anonymous ID: 6b49ad March 23, 2020, 2:23 p.m. No.8535797   🗄️.is 🔗kun

What are the logistics in replacing an entire Government? How would this actually happen?


  • You would have to have a VERY good reason to replace your government. One of those reasons would be that the political establishment was so corrupted that not even an election would work because those running are just as corrupt as those who are already serving.


  • You would have to PROVE that those running and those already in power were corrupted through years of digging and investigations. The evidence would have to be compelling enough to unite the people of the entire world such that no other government or world entity (UN) would interfere in the replacement of your own government.


  • You would have to make absolutely sure that every last corrupted official was removed or that those who are corrupted would/could be flipped and used to help rebuild the new government.


  • You would have to have some kind of "plan" beforehand; you couldn't just wake up one day and decide to erase an entire political establishment and then "wing it". The plan would take many years to put together and would require almost divine luck to be successful.


  • You would have to ensure the safety of the people such that upheavals, riots and looting would be minimized due to party affinity. Imagine if the leaders that you dearly loved were force-ably removed from office by the military and replaced.


  • When the new government is in place, you'd have to ensure that the election process and those who run were nowun-corruptable so that the corruption of an entire political institution never happens again.


  • Once your new officials are in-place, you'd have to be certain that other world governments would not again infiltrate your government with bribes, kickbacks and extortion; those corrupt governments would have to be wiped clean as well and go through the same process or else it would just be a matter of time before the whole corruption cycle repeats itself.


…this is doable.