Anonymous ID: 4863e9 March 23, 2020, 3:02 p.m. No.8536322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6400

Not a G-man, just anon here to a relay things described to me about CLAS fuckery and why declas is more than meets the eye but crucial for justice (not public) this would be for court proceeding and makin evidence available to courts.


some declas q alluded to was not for the public, but to allow investigations and prosecution for spooks and others.

also to gain access to exculpatory evidence which otherwise is not admissible due to classification levels.

a game in the intel field and other areas of gov. state department and doj, etal. is to hide misdeed/or exculpatory evidence behind high level classifications so noone can see it, or use it in courts.

Potus issued a EO regarding classification and the right to declass for basically frivilous reasons. He allows Barr to declas pertinant data relevant to matters at hand.

many judges, prosecutors and defenxe attorneys lack the clearance level to truly hold a fair hearing, declas is a menas for Pouts, AG Barr (primarily) to review classified data and declas it if it is not classified for the right reason.

I belivee in HRC cases with server there was an impassee whereby even the judge or prosecutor, defense was not allowed to look at evidence they knew was relevant, and for whatever reason they were unable to gain that clearance so material data potentially proving guilt was hidden.

Again potus did address that a bit. The spooks and DS up class to protect themselves and lower class or release things that hurt others but help them, thats the game that needs to be changed. sorry no sauce, but anons may have dug on some things and it may be fresh in some minds.

Another hypothetical which may apply, lets say trump surveillance was c_a order and authorized legally, but with fake underlying evidence as a predicate, they could make dni use fbi to act on it but noone would be able to verify due to how they classify it, not even dni coats. so in that situation potus and barr would need to locate the SAP, confirm Op and gain access to underlying evidence and declas it so others could see it and debunk it and verify the fakery