ID: 972129 March 23, 2020, 4:07 p.m. No.8537403   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8536503 pb


A week ago, we didn't know that those drugs killed the coronavirus.


And it seems like the Democrat media wants to pretend that it matters that these FDA approved drugs are not approved for the treatment of this new coronavirus.


Short answer is that the people who died didn't get those drugs. Some doctors who have been paying attention might have given those drugs, others might have given other drugs, or maybe they were watching too much tv, and listening to the repeated "no cure" "no approved" messaging from the TV.


Clearly, people are dying because of TV.


Tomorrow, New York, which is hard hit, will start giving out the Q drugs, and next Monday we should get a good idea how well they worked.