Anonymous ID: e0f9cf March 23, 2020, 3:55 p.m. No.8537190   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hey Q, I've been at my own work so it's been quite a while - 2018 or perhaps earlier, I don't remember now, when the long post about the p-V2 anti-c led to a Q proof of 4 RC collars in front row of Trump rally.


Some observations & data re GOD WINS:


  • The coronavirus is so named because under an electron microscope it looks like a monarch's crown—and during Lent we are of course reminded of Christ the King


  • St. Corona is the patroness of epidemics and plagues


  • A virus is tiny and invisible ("meek") and yet is confounding the enitre ("strong") world


  • Antipope Francis just said that all of mankind "TREMBLES" because of the coronavirus:


That's an interesting choice of words. The word "tremble" is mentioned scarcely more than a dozen times in the Bible. But one of those times refers to the Second Coming, in the prophecy of Joel (2:1): "Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, sound an alarm in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land TREMBLE: because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at hand"…


  • Even as they're taking away our freedoms and isolating us (with a new language including the terms "social distancing" and "shelter at home"), they're releasing prisoners around the world—which reminds of me Barabbas, except this is now on a global scale:


  • The modern-day excesses of St. Patrick's Day were completely quaffed this year, completely—I've always known that day as a day when every bar is packed elbow to elbow and people are publicly drunk from dawn to midnight, and this year the bars around the world were shuttered and the streets were silent


  • We're being given extra time to be homebound, to meditate and pray alone, and with everything closed there are more comforts, conveniences, goods and things we must give up—and this is happening in Lent


  • The Western world—over a billion and a half people as of this morning—are now officially shut in their homes, and the rule of law is lasting at least until Holy Week (April 6)


  • The Novus Ordo has been canceled around the world, and if all goes well, the Antichurch will not desecrate Easter this year with an abundance of their false and insipid rites


  • The Novus Ordo apparatus has shut access to many of our great Catholic sites of pilgrimage, including the grotto at Lourdes—which had remained open during the Spanish Influenza epidemic and both World Wars


  • We are homebound in March, the month of St. Joseph, patron of the family and the home


  • Ireland reported the first venomous snake bite in its history this month—and an old prophesy about St. Patrick driving the snakes from Ireland said that they would only return before Judgement Day


  • St. Peter's Square has been completely emptied, with not a soul around


  • There is a major, massive plague of locusts in Africa