>Q continues not to address
not the first time Q has ignored a shill…in fact moar often they are ignored
>Q continues not to address
not the first time Q has ignored a shill…in fact moar often they are ignored
>do you really need to ask Q is that larper is a fraud?
It is a sad sign of how asleep so many still are that they run to the next LARP/FAMEFAG that appears even knowing what the MSM did.
Like an addict, they can't think for themselves.
Going to need a lot of suppository redpills
[[DS]] panic
>we have to teach them how to seek out and find the truth themselves. only then they will be sheep no more.
Tried to teach some how to dig.
How to recognize something to question (everything)
…Some learn and improve and teach..some run and bring you the next YT famefag link.
Going to take time.
>anons need help on NIMH