Anonymous ID: 53af2f March 23, 2020, 4:59 p.m. No.8538528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8572

"The tale of three cities. Beijing. The Chinese have given up on containing the virus. They have decided to let the virus spread through their population and let the chips fall where they will. This is why the Chinese expelled The Washington Post, The Times and the Wall Street Journal. With what is coming they do not want the press around to see the body bags and other things. Simply put unless a vaccine is developed this is the storm. China has already passed over a million dead and after that what is the point in counting. The Chinese are lying about things not to deceive the west but to try and hold their own country together long enough for something to change. If the Chinese people understood there is no cure and no real way to stop the biological weapon their scientists and the Russians created. Well I will let you use your imagination. The problem is this weapon mutates and each new solution only results in only dealing with an increasingly small subset in the epidemic. The Chinese, Americans, and Russians are working behind the scenes to keep things under control and the lies and noble. There is far more a stake here than the truth. The increasing danger now is with the pandemic reaching dangerous levels in the U.S. someone will become unhinged and doing something unsound. Such as:

The Chinese and Russian scientist who created this monster will hopefully burn in hell."