ID: c6d197 March 23, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8539607   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8537901 pb


Hydrochloroquine and Choloroquine are cheap generic drugs.


The way the system is set up in the US, there is no money in cheap generic drugs.


And big money must be spent on tests.


If big money on tests is not spent, the FDA will not approve the drug for that usage.


So, our shitty system in the US just flat out fucks us.


Natural things work often, but you can't patent the natural thing, and there's no money to spend on testing.


When they say "there haven't been tests", they're saying "FUCK YOU, we're in charge, you can just fucking die for all we care. The system is designed to make us rich. Period. We want as much of your money as possible. We DON'T, at ALL, want to cure you cheaply. We fight hard against cheap and easy solutions." And that has been the case for all of our lives.