Anonymous ID: 1bc6ae March 23, 2020, 7:31 p.m. No.8540990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>8538300 (pb)

>The Start

>The key that opens all doors


….""Another important question yet to be resolved is WHEN Spygate STARTED. For example, George Papadopoulos was being targeted by foreign intelligence services like Australia, perhaps at Brennan’s behest, MONTHS BEFORE Donald Trump was the Republican nominee. This raises the question, were members of other then-still active Republican campaigns being targeted in this time frame as well? Was this part of a general push to begin weaving the Russian collusion story AGAINST ANY potential GOP 2016 nominee, and not just Trump? If the answer to that question is yes, then it will be clear that the entire enterprise was NOT an intelligence operation at all but a CRIMINAL POLITICAL CONSPIRACY of unprecedented scope and impact. It would indeed make Watergate look like a third-rate burglary." [Emphasis added]


Okay anons, Q is now pushing us to expand our thinking. What doors does a pre-Candidate Trump start of a generic "Russia Collusion" covert op open up? Were pieces already in place to implicate other potential GOP nominees? Is this what Durham has discovered?


For one thing, it would dilute the whole TDS "orange man bad" psy op and would piss off the other targeted candidates as well as their former supporters, i.e., the Durham investigation and prosecution would not appear to be the "Trump-controlled toadies" Barr/Durham going after @POTUS' political enemies with a "weaponized DoJ" in the sensitive months before the 2020 Presidential election. There would be no argument against a full prosecution if this was, if fact, a "widespread criminal conspiracy". If true, there would be a demand from previously quiet corners that no stone go un-turned in getting to the bottom of the conspiracy.


More importantly, the perps involved would lose all the generous cover and leniency afforded to our security agencies running a counter-intelligence operation. For instance, the FBI and DoJ may have feigned a national security need, when in fact it was only a criminal conspiracy, in order to gain access to the entire "unmasking" capability of FISA as well as the FISA court surveillance warrants!


This would no longer be a "one offer" of a single abuse of the FISA court warrant process with one target, Carter Page, with at least a whiff of Russia involvement. This may mean that there NEVER WAS a possible national security threat great enough to whip our entire IC into a frenzy. This may have been the single greatest criminal conspiracy of the modern era (leaving aside, for the moment, the JFK assassination and 9/11).


If Hussein, Brennan and Killary, et al, had pieces in place to run this same scam against candidates other than Donald Trump, this criminal conspiracy will be of such a magnitude that it will shock the conscience of the American Body Politic. It will be so great that there will be a demand that justice be done though the heavens fall.

Anonymous ID: 1bc6ae March 23, 2020, 7:39 p.m. No.8541120   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1129


After 2024? They sure do. If you are implying leaving the WH before then, the answer is the same. The White Hats will never allow that resident Evil to foul the Halls of Power ever again.